I am working in the BIG/LIB research team, at EPFL (in Lausanne, Switzerland), on convolution operators and steerable operators (amongst other topics)!
Theme: theoritical functional analysis, applied to inverse optimization problem, mainly appearing in medical imaging.
Duration: april 2016 to August 2016 (research internship in applied mathematics);
Locations: Lausanne, Switzerland.
First name: Besson
Last name: Lilian
Email: lilian[.]besson[@]ens-cachan[.]fr (remove the brackets) Postal address
Mr Lilian Besson, ENS Cachan, Dept. de Mathématiques, 41, avenue du Président Wilson, 94230 - Cachan, France
Date of Birth: January 12th, 1993. Age : 23.
Current Status: Student at ÉNS de Cachan, in 5th year. Studying Mathematics and Computer Science.
- This website;
- my Bitbucket account lbesson, and my GitHub account naereen, which host my programming project;
French: native speaker;
English: fluent, speaking and writing, usual and scientific. TOEIC got in April 2012, with the mark 900/990;
Spanish: beginner, speaking and writing, usual only;
Japanese: beginner from Sept. 2013 to March 2015, hiragana only;
Advanced: Python (2.7) (object oriented and scripting), Texas Instrument-BASICs (embedded languages for graphical calculator), GNU Bash (scripting), OCaml (functional language), LaTeX & reStructuredText (for slides, web pages and articles).
Intermediate: BASIC, Matlab & GNU/Octave and C (sequential computation), nVidia CUDA (parallel computation on GPU);
Basic: Maple, HTML, Assembly (Intel x86, MIPS, TI-83+), XML, Javascript;
Operating Systems: Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, Android, GNU/Linux (with Ångström, Ubuntu, Debian and OpenWRT);
Text processing: LyX, LaTeX & LaTeX Beamer, Open Office & Libre Office & Microsoft Word, Markdown & reStructuredText;
Text editors: Expert with gEdit & GNU Nano (Linux, Windows), Jota Text Editor (Android);
Documentation generators: OCamlDoc for OCaml, PyDOC & Sphinx for Python;
System administration: experience with net hardware and software, and net monitoring with GNU/Linux.
Personal skills:
- good theoretical and practical background in maths, computer science, physics and chemistry;
- problem-solving and communication skills;
- good understanding and use of the actual web and generic technologies;
- eager to learn and develop new skills;
- passionate about new technologies;
International experience: some trips in Iceland, Spain, Germany, Sweden, Italy, UK, Ireland, USA, Canada, Switzerland, Luxembourg (since 2004);
Other experiences:
- Theater and clown lessons, during 6 years (2003-2009);
- Passionnate player of Magic The Gathering, during 5 years (2004-2009). Many national tournaments, a few internations competition (Sweden, Spain, Italy). Department champion for 3 years (in Hautes-Alpes, 05, France).
Entertainment: painting, role playing games, theater, video games, cinema, programming, fantasy literature and poetry;
Sports: climbing, trek, mountain bike, kick-scooter, swimming, hitchhiking, badminton.
Not as up-to-date as the PDF version!
Below there is a precise description of what I studied, year by year, from my Baccalaureat in 2009.
All the documents written during this year for the MVA Master are on this public folder.
I also worked on 6 small research projects, all published on my bitbucket, open-source under the MIT license.
For the 1st trimester (Fall 2015):
- Parcimonie and Compressed Sensing : « Random factorization for low-rank matrices » ("finding structure with randomness"), graded :blue:`19/20`;
- Probabilistic Graphical Models : « Hidden semi-Markov Models » (comparison to Hidden Markov Models and Gaussian Mixture Models), graded :blue:`16/20`;
- Reinforcement Learning / Graphs in Machine Learning : « Multi-Expert board-game Inference », graded :blue:`18/20`;
For the 2nd trimester (Spring 2016):
Assistant professor at the (very new) Mahindra École Centrale (at Hyderabad, in India). Full time teaching faculty, in Mathematics (MA101 course in the first semester August-December 2014, MA102 course in the second semester January-May 2015) and in Computer Science (cours CS101 during the second semester).
Mathematics MSc (Sept. 2012 to August 2013)
Universities: ÉNS de Cachan & Paris Diderot University (Paris VII);
Domains: Complex analysis, functional analysis and numerical optimization, exterior calculus, Partial Differential Equations approximation.
Mark: 14.4/20, magna cum laude. Computer Science MSc (Sept. 2012 to August 2013)
Universities: ÉNS de Cachan & Paris Diderot University (Paris VII);
Domains: Functional programming and typing, cryptographic protocols, compilation, Markov chains and random algorithms, net programming, maching learning, logic.
Mark: 15.25/20, magna cum laude.
Title: | "Towards modularity for planning and robot programs verification"; |
Supervisor: | Jules Villard, and Peter O'Hearn; |
Where: | with PPLV Team, at UCL in London; |
Description: | I worked on Artificial Intelligence, verification and mainly the need for modularity for these domains. My report (in English): rapportM1Info13.pdf, and my slides (in French): slidesM1Info13.pdf. |
Mathematics BSc (Sept. 2011 to July 2012)
Universities: ÉNS de Cachan & Paris Diderot University (Paris VII);
Domains: Functional analysis, integration, algebras, arithmetic, partial and ordinary differential equations, topology, differential geometry;
Mark: 14.27/20, magna cum laude. Computer Science BSc (Sept. 2011 to July 2012)
Universities: ÉNS de Cachan & Paris Diderot University (Paris VII);
Domains: Logic, semantics, cryptography, algorithmic, graph theory, lambda calculus, compilation, parallel computation, formal calculus;
Mark: 14.7/20, magna cum laude. TOEIC (English test) got with the mark 900/990.
Title: "Finite volumes method on nVidia graphic cards, applied to solve the compressible Euler problem";
Supervisor: Pr. Florian de Vuyst;
Description: Math internship at CMLA (Centre des mathématiques et de leurs applications, ÉNS de Cachan math lab research), 5 months (February 2012 to July 2012).
Abstract: General study of numerical solvers for differential equations and partial differential equations. Liner solver, first and second order, 1 2 and 3 D, with the VFFC method. Numerical simulation, sequential using :C: and VTK, and parallel using nVidia CUDA. Interactive 2D simulation with openGL.
Published: On my web page, the bachelor thesis, in French.
Classe Préparatoire, second year (MP*)
Universities: Lycée Thiers (Marseille, France) & Aix-Marseille 1 University;
Studying: maths, chemistry, physics, engineering, computer science, philosophy, literature, English and Spanish;
Mark: 17.9/20;
Rank: 1/33.
Accepted and matriculed at École Normale Supérieure de Cachan (July 2011)
Rank: 99/1200;
Matriculated: at the maths department, student with the special French status élève-normalien. Accepted at École Polytechnique (July 2011)
Rank: 81/1900; Acceptance refused.
Accepted at École Centrale (Paris, Lyon, Marseille), Supélec, Supoptique (July 2011)
Rank: 6/2700; Acceptance refused.
Accepted at École Télécom Sud-Paris (July 2011)
Rank: 2/890; Acceptance refused.
Classe Préparatoire, first year (MPSI)
Universities: Lycée Thiers (Marseille, France) & Aix-Marseille 1 University;
Studying: maths, chemistry, physics, engineering, computer science, philosophy, literature, English and Spanish;
Mark: 17.3/20;
Rank: 1/46.
Accepted at École des Mines (at Alès) (July 2011)
Rank: 14/4000;
Mark: 18.2/20; Acceptance refused.
Driving license, got in Briançon (February 2012).
High-school certificate (French Baccalaureat) (June 2009) (as precised here on bankexam.fr)
University: Lycée d'Altitude (Briançon);
Mark: 15.7/20, magna cum laude;
Options: Scientific high-school certificate with specialization in mathematics, and intensive theater.
Not up-to-date, I should add the projects done since 2013...
- MPRI Bomberman : a multiplayer Bomberman game with formal semantics and a open protocole (MPRI lecture 1-21.). On-line here on Bitbucket lbesson/mpri-bomberman, or on thise web site publis/Bomberman.
- ANSI Colors : a Python 2 script and module to use colours in a terminal (now also available on Python 3, cf. https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ansicolortags). Available for download on PyPi (about 3000 download by now, see here download stats for May 2013). Or also here on Bitbucket lbesson/ansi-colors, or on thise web site publis/ansi-colors/.
- French translation of the website bitbucket.org (March 2013), with Transifex.
- Kaggle Titanic ML project, here lbesson/projet-kaggle or publis/kaggle.
- A small Tetravex game (with an automatic puzzle resolution), in OCaml, involving graphical programming and precise algorithmic work (second semester project);
- mocaml: an enhanced toplevel and an experimental IDE for OCaml, written in Bash and OCaml (for Windows and GNU/Linux). This project is dead now;
- C--: compiler from a subset of C to x86 assembler, with formal semantics, written in OCaml (first semester project);
- For Android apps :
- Syntactical coloration and collaboration for Jota Text Editor (about 8 millions downloads!);
- Collaboration with Romain Vernoux for his OCaml Toplevel on Android app, a non-official project for the OCaml language, approved by the French institute in charge of the project (INRIA).
Title: "Tropical algebras and linear systems applied to mobility problems";
Supervisors: Agnès Borel (Lycée Thiers) & Pr. Glenn Merlet (Aix-Marseille I University);
Abstract: general study of tropical algebras, time processes (Petri nets and Markov chains). Dikjstra algorithm, tropical and time dependant implemented with Maple 12.
Title: "The Chess board, a dynamic surface";
Supervisors: Dr. Yassine Dakhli (Lycée Thiers);
Abstract: implementation of a two players chess game, and of a simple AI (quite inefficient, naive and slow, but functional). About 7000 lines of TI-Basic code, one of the biggest project for TI-82 calculator (an old one : 6 MHz, 28 Ko of RAM!).