In this page, I am testing an "experimental" feature of Sphinx, the autorun extension, which provides a .. runblock:: directive, to execute arbitrary code when generating a Sphinx-powered web-page.
The first directive is ..runblock:: pycon. It uses the Python language, but accepts the syntax of an interactive interpreter session.
For instance, this snippet of code:
.. runblock:: pycon >>> for i in range(5): ... print(i)
will produce this output (raw included in the HTML web-page):
We can also check which version of Python used by the extension:
This .. runblock:: pycon directive is interesting to give example or short demonstration, when writing tutorials or documentation for instance.
But this runcode extension allows to do way more!
This directive accepts the syntax of a shell or Bash session, where the code starts with a *$ * symbol.
For instance, the current date and directory:
We can also ask for a list of the reStructuredText files .rst (the source code of each of these web-pages) in the current directory:
We can look for the 10 longest filenames of the reStructuredText files in the current directory:
We can also ask GPG to produce (on the fly) a signature of the current file (for more information about GPG, see pgp.html):
figlet can print text in a nice "ASCII art" form:
My script bin/ was conceived to automatically play the next episode for your current TV show, and it uses a ~/current file to know which folder to use. We can use it to display the TV show I am currently watching:
Current state of the git repository (shows which files are new (N), modified (M) or deleted (D)) :
A stupid example with an elk:
We can go crazy, and try to display a picture in ASCII text :
The same, even bigger (fyi, this image is the favicon of this website):
A few statistics about this git repository:
A small calendar, showing in ASCII the active days in this git repository (with this other script, note that this web-page is a nice looking version of this ASCII "calendar"):
In the Sphinx configuration file,, we can easily add shortcuts to use this runblock extension with other languages.
First, we have to create an empty dictionary called autorun_languages:
autorun_languages = {}
Then, add a value truc (which has to be a valid command-line program, like gnuplot or ocaml) and truc_prefix_chars (size of the prefix) to enable a new directive .. code-block:: truc in all your reStructuredText document (in this project only):
# Add these two lines in your '' file autorun_languages['ocaml'] = u'ocaml -stdin' autorun_languages['ocaml_prefix_chars'] = 2
With this trick, we can now include example of code snippet in OCaml:
This runblock extension uses the great pygments Python library to color the code.
Sometimes, I have seen the pygments or pygmentize command-line tool break completely, and the only bugfix I found was to :red:`manually` delete the "experimental" support of pkg_resources in the pygments file, by :red:`manually` forcing pkg_resources = None (at line 41). :red:`It's durty`, but it fixes my bug...