This page is there to quickly describe how I use on a daily basis the awesome Sublime Text 3, a multi-platform text editor.
What is a text editor?
« A text editor is a software for creating and editing text files. »
« Its use is common, even essential for some basic computing tasks such as system administration and software development.. »
Needless to say that I use it constantly, mostly on Linux (Ubuntu 15.10), and on Windows (7).
The Wikipedia page on text editors contains a list of the most popular publishers multi-platform text. Sublime Text is obviously on the list, along with gedit, the two legendary Emacs and Vim, and for example Komodo Edit.
This article contains quick explanation of the installation and use of Sublime Text (2 or 3), and also a list of the best plugins that I use with ST3, links to my configuration files and general remarks.
(And weirdly, this page is one of the more popular of my website. Please contact me if you have any suggestion to improve it, or to say thanks if this page has been useful to you :) !)
This page, and all related files are freely distributed under the terms of the licence GPLv3 ! (Like anything else published or distributed on this website).
The official website is My article focuses on version 3 of Sublime Text (currently, version 3.083, released the 26th of March 2015).
Live dangerously :) ?
You can also try the version 3dev, it is updated more frequently (but you will need to be registered ie have a non-free license -- I didn't).
Sublime Text is a text editor and source code available on multiple platforms. It has an API using Python.
Sublime Text is a proprietary software, subject to the acceptance of a license, but is completely free. The (free) license is for an indefinite period, with only occasional reminders proposing to buy a non-mandatory commercial license (for $ 20).
Sublime Text incorporates most of the basic features of a text editor, including customizable syntax highlighting, auto-completion, a plugin system ...
But that awesome text editor offers more advanced features, including:
The official website gives links to the last version of ST3 on every supported platforms.
This page explains in details how to install ST3 on different platforms process.
It's easy, free and fast :) !
Plugin ?
For computer softwares, plugins are additionals component that completes a software host to provide it with new features.
Sublime Text can be equipped with a package manager that allows users to find, install, update and remove additional packages without even having to restart Sublime Text!
This project is simply called Sublime Text Package Manager, and is hosted on this site This page will tell you how to install the package manager, which is the only step a little dirty (but do not worry, no risk).
This magical plugin has already been downloaded more than 3.01 million times from the beginning of the project!
You can get a glimpse of the richness of this collection of plugin by going to this list ( of the most downloaded plugins.
This site is the unofficial documentation, but it is the main reference: Congratulations to them, their website is very well designed and contains all the necessary information and much more!
This (old) wiki dedicated to Sublime Text can also help.
My configuration files, scripts and snippets of buildings for Sublime Text 3 are all in the folder publis/ST3.
To use one of these files (.sublime-settings, .sublime-snippet, .sublime-macro or .sublime-build), just copy it into your Packages/User folder. More details for the .sublime-settings files, or the .sublime-build files.
State: | Actively maintained (May 2016). |
My configuration files:
Like (almost) everything else in Sublime Text, it's easy to modify or add key shortcut for anything. It can be done globaly, or project wise or language wise.
List of my snippets:
Sublime Text (as with other good text editors), it is possible to build, run or compile your files automatically and easily. ST3 comes with build scripts for a dozen language, and it is easy to create and install new ones.
List of my build systems:
With Sublime Text (as with other good text editors), it is possible to record a macro, a small sequence of actions, commands, shortcuts or clicks, and associate it a keyboard shortcut for instance.
List of my macros (just two right now):
All of these plugins are free, almost all are free and open-source, and they are all installable from the package manager (Ctrl+Shift+P: "Package Control: Install Package")
For each packet quoted below, a link to the information page on is given.
Small customization plugins:
Plugins that add great features:
A better support for some languages:
Heavier plugins, or plugins designed for a specific language:
Purely objective
This list simply reflects my daily use of ST3. These choices are purely objective. For instance, this article also presents a list of good plugins to use.
Some plugins can be configured specifically. Here are their different settings:
In ST3, you can modify any single parameter for a specific language (for instance, a smaller font for Python files, a bigger margin for Markdown files etc). For a few languages, I find these changes quite convenient:
As for every powerful and awesome software, Sublime Text 3 will require a certain training time.
Thanks to Jill-Jênn Vie for advising me to use Sublime Text 3 (in Octobre 2013).