.. meta:: :description lang=en: Description of publications in folder publis/ :description lang=fr: Page décrivant les publications du dossier publis/ #################################################### Description of publications in folder ``_ #################################################### .. warning:: This page is NOT up to date AT ALL! Go look in the folder ``_ directly, or also on this page ``_ which is a portfolio of my personal contributions on my profile `GitHub `_. About this page --------------- This page describes all the tiny (and less tiny) technical projects published in the folder ``_. This folder contains a lot of small productions (softwares, scripts, configuration etc); and some of my more serious projects. .. sidebar:: Go back to the homepage? If this page has no interest for you, please go back to the main page ``_. .. note:: Conditions of distribution Every file or projects listed here is *freely* and *publicly* distributed, under the conditions of the `GPLv3 license `_! --------------------------------------------------------------------- Main projects ------------- Here is a list of the main projects published in the folder ``_, ordered by importance. `ansicolortags `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ .. pypi-release:: ansicolortags :prefix: The latest version is here (the cheeseshop Sphinx extension should add a link to the zip file of the project) :class: sidebar **ansicolortags** is a small `Python `_ module, supporting both version 2 (2.7+) and 3 (3.4+), designed to easily and efficiently use ``ANSI`` colors in a terminal application from Python, on **UNIX** or **Linux** (or on **Windows via Cygwin**, or on **Mac OS X**). .. image:: https://badge.fury.io/py/ansicolortags.svg :target: https://pypi.org/project/ansicolortags .. image:: https://readthedocs.org/projects/ansicolortags/badge/?version=latest :target: http://ansicolortags.readthedocs.io/ * It is available from `Pypi `_ (v0.4), and can be install with a simple command: ``pip install ansicolortags`` ! * The complete documentation for the module is here: ``_. * This new package is based on my old `ANSIColors-balises `_, which was too old and only supported Python 2. ANSIColors-balises has been downloaded about 5000 times during march 2013 and February 2016. * A small example of its use (the output is not displayed with colors here because Sphinx does not support including colors in the output of such code samples): :: >>> # The good way (and safe) to use ansicolortags: >>> try: … from ansicolortags import printc >>> except ImportError: … def printc(a): print(a) # Placeholder >>> printc("This is red! That's white. And that is blue. (not working here)") This is red! That's white. And that is blue. (not working here) * But in a terminal, this code will give: ":red:`This is red!` :white:`That's white.` :blue:`And that is blue.` (not working here)". :State: *Up-to-date* (July 2016), and works very well. `StrapDown.js `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ An awesome piece of Javascript to quickly publish nice documents, written in Markdown. Cf. `github.com/Naereen/StrapDown.js `_. :State: *Up-to-date* (July 2016), works very well. `nautilus-terminal `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Nautilus-Terminal, a plugin for `Gnome Nautilus `_ to embed a terminal in your file explorer, open-source `on Bitbucket `_. :State: *Up-to-date* (February 2016), it works. `latex `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Some files and useful tiny programs to use \\(\\LaTeX{}\\). In particular, `autotex `_ is the tiny Bash script I use on a regular basis to write \\(\\LaTeX{}\\) documents without having to manually write the header part (with ``\usepackage`` and other useless parts). I wrote a small `autonomize.sh `_ script and a template `template_minimalist.tex `_, to make autonomous a document which was using `autotex`_. :State: *Works well* (March 2016). `snippets `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Small snippets of code, from `Bitbucket snippets `_. :State: *Active* (July 2016), small snippets of code. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Small projects on `my GitHub `_ ------------------------------------------------------------ `ama `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ask me anything in English ! `On GitHub (ama) `_ / `On Bitbucket (ama) `_. :State: *Up-to-date* (July 2016), useless. `ama.fr `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Ask me anything in French! Demandez-moi n'importe quoi ! `On GitHub (ama.fr) `_ / `On Bitbucket (ama.fr) `_. :State: *Up-to-date* (July 2016), useless. `Nginx-Fancyindex-Theme `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A `open-source, clean and pretty theme `_ for the ``FancyIndex`` module for the `nginx `_ web-server. :State: *Up-to-date* (June 2016), works well. `generate-word-cloud.py `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A Python v2 or v3 script to produce a nice-looking Cloud of Words from one or more text files, open-source `on GitHub `_. :State: *Up-to-date* (March 2016), works well. `naereen.github.io `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The `naereen.github.io `_ website, open-source `on GitHub `_. :State: *Active* (July 2016). `notebooks `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Common repository for `Jupyter notebooks `_, open-source `on GitHub `_. Readables on `nbviewer.jupyter.org `_. :State: *Active* (July 2016), still in development. `slides `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Common repository for `remark.js slide-shows `_, open-source `on GitHub `_. Readables on `naereen.github.io/slides `_. :State: *Active* (July 2016), still in development. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Press (Autumn 2014) ------------------- * `this press article was published in « Le Monde », about the future École Centrale Casablanca `_ engineering school in Morocco (`also translated in English (29_10_2014__LeMonde.en.html) `_, and `in PDF (29_10_2014__LeMonde.fr.pdf) `_), * `this press article was published in « Libération », about the new Mahindra École Centrale `_ engineering school in India (`also in English (10_10_2014__Liberation.en.html) `_, and `in PDF (10_10_2014__Liberation.en.pdf) `_). --------------------------------------------------------------------- Scripts and binary programs --------------------------- Please read the page ``_ for more description of some of the scripts and binary programs that are available in this folder ``_. The associated git repository is very active (improvements and new script on a weekly basis), and it is `here on bitbucket.org/lbesson/bin `_. --------------------------------------------------------------------- Configuration files ------------------- For `Sublime Text 3 `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This folder ``_ contains my configuration file, snippets and building scripts for `Sublime Text 3 `_. And the page ``_ contains a lot more information ! * For instance, `newpython.sublime-snippet `_ make it easy to create a new `Python script `_, and `newscript.sublime-snippet `_ does the same for a GNU Bash script. * Use `autotex.sublime-snippet `_ to create a blank LaTeX file powered by `autotex`_, which can then easily be compiled to PDF by using this building script `autotex.sublime-build `_ * `StrapDownJS.sublime-snippet `_ also make it easy to create an HTML file powered by my awesome `StrapDownJS `_ project ! * I wrote a few snippets to write LaTeX documents quicker; and a lot of other things. :State: *Actively maintained* (July 2016). `munstrap `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ I translated in French a responsive theme for `Munin 2.x `_, based on Twitter Bootstrap, from the `original munstrap `_. Open-sourced on Bitbucket : `bitbucket.org/lbesson/munstrap `_. :State: Up-to-date.* (September 2014) `conky `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ My configuration for `GNU Conky `_. :State: *Not actively maintained, but it works.* (January 2014) `xpadder `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Some configuration files for my use of the `XPadder tool `_ on Windows (map a gamepad to keyboard buttons). :State: *Old* (2014), but should work well. `byobu-conf `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Configuration files for the awesome `Byobu `_ terminal multiplexer. :State: *Up-to-date* (February 2016), works well. `python `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Some configuration files for my daily use of the `Python programming language `_. :State: *Up-to-date* (June 2016), basic but work well. `firefox `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Some `user scripts `_ and `user styles `_ for my daily use of the `Mozilla Firefox web browser `_. :State: *Tiny* (2015). `muttrc `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ My configuration for `Mutt `_, the best command-line email software. :State: *Not actively maintained, but it works.* (January 2014) `irssi `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ (Old) Configuration files for the `Irssi `_ command line IRC client. :State: *Old* (2014), but should work well. `nautilus-scripts `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Some old scripts for **Gnome Nautilus**. :State: *Not at all maintained.* (Nov 2011 to July 2013) `gedit-coloration `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Some improvements on the **GTK-SourceView** configuration (C++ library for the source code syntactic coloring, used by gedit and gobby). :State: *Not at all maintained.* (Nov 2011 to July 2013) `gedit-tools `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Some old scripts for **Gnome Gedit**, with the plug-in *Exterior tools*. :State: *Not at all maintained.* (Summer 2012) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Teaching related projects ------------------------- A few programming projects related to previous teaching activities: `hackathon `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Some assignments for programming hackathons, given in 2015 at `Mahindra Ecole Centrale `_ for the `CS101 course <../cs101/>`_. :State: *Teaching* (in India, in 2015). `mec-cs101-integrals `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `Complete solution to a programming project on « Numerical Integration » `_, given at `Mahindra Ecole Centrale `_ in 2015 for the `CS101 course <../cs101/>`_. :State: *Teaching* (in India, in 2015). `mec-cs101-matrices `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ `Complete solution to a programming project on « Linear Algebra and Matrices » `_, given at `Mahindra Ecole Centrale `_ in 2015 for the `CS101 course <../cs101/>`_. :State: *Teaching* (in India, in 2015). `2048-agreg `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A modified version of `the famous 2048 game <2048>`_, for mathematical geeks (in French). :State: *Old* (2014), but works well (on mobile or desktop). --------------------------------------------------------------------- Older projects -------------- These projects are older, but some can still be interesting: `selfspy-vis `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Tool to visualize a `selfspy `_ database, open-source `on GitHub `_. :State: *Old* (2016), pretty limited. `puzzle `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A small game of Tetravex, written in *OCaml* for a programming course in my Bachelor (3rd year, Avril 2012). I had a grade of 17/20. Cleaned-up in March 2014, and open-source on my bitbucket account: `bitbucket.org/lbesson/projet-puzzle-ocaml-2012 `_. :State: *Works well* but not maintained. `Zenity `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A tiny library for ``OCaml``, to use the **GNU Zenity** tool in a simple, efficient and well-typed manner (but the code is dirty). Open-sourced on my bitbucket account: `bitbucket.org/lbesson/zenity-ocaml `_. It works *"like this"* : no need for any installation, you just have to include the source file ``zenity.ml`` and ``zenity.mli`` in your OCaml project. For instance, in a OCaml console or in a program: .. code-block:: ocaml open Zenity;; let my_color = color_selection ~title:"Choose a color please" () ;; (* Will ask the user to select a color, and return it as a string, it does the same as calling 'zenity --color-selection --title="Choose a color please"', in a terminal. *) :State: *Not actively maintained* (April 2014), but it works with the latest versions of OCaml (4.03.0) and Zenity. `kaggle `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A small project, for the **Introduction to Machine Learning** in my Bachelor (3rd year) at `ENS Cachan `_ in May 2013. Nothing especially interesting, except that I used ``Python 2.7`` to handle *all* the different aspects of this learning project (scripts, programs, documentation, report, slides etc). I had a grade of 15/20. :State: *Old!* (May 2013) `Bomberman `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A small **Bomberman** game, with multi-player support on a local network (multi machines), written in Python 2.7, between Nov. 2012 and Feb. 2013 for the networking project in my Master 1 (course *1-21 MPRI*), for which I received 16.9/20 (second best grade). Open-sourced: `bitbucket.org/lbesson/mpri-bomberman `_. :State: *No longer maintained !* (March 2013) `PDE_02_2015 `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Mathematical and numerical solution to a real-world Partial Dynamic Equation. Implementation in several languages, in pure `Python 2 `_ (`PDE_02_2015 `_), and in `MATLAB/Octave `_ (`PDE_09_2014 `_, and also in `pure OCaml `_ with `GnuPlot `_ for the display). :State: *Research* (2014, 2015), but it worked well. `f6_sphinx_theme `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A clean and white theme for `Sphinx doc `_, open-source `on GitHub `_. :State: *Up-to-date* (2016), works well. `MOcamlPlot `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A tiny ``OCaml`` library, designed to draw graphical plots **in a console**. This project was implementing a very dirty operators overloading (something that OCaml, a fully statically type language, should NOT allow), and commands for plotting « *like Maple* » (e.g., ``plot("cos((x+5)/2.16)",0--10)``), and other cool stuff. I didn't find the time to keep it up-to-date. :State: *Not maintained* (Feb 2012). Might work. Probably not. `ColorML `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Experiments to use colors in a OCaml v3.12 command line program. :State: *Very old* (2012). --------------------------------------------------------------------- Miscellaneous ------------- Old (useless) documents. `webcomics.pdf `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A French one-page article on ``_ for the ENS Cachan student newspaper, in January 2014 (``_). `seminaire_crans.pdf `_ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Slides for a technical workshop on documentation tools, given in March 2013 for the `CRANS `_. .. (c) Lilian Besson, 2011-2021, https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/web-sphinx/