(** * A small OCaml (https://OCaml.org) program, written with keywords in English, * It does a lot of basic OCaml stuff, and run some tests on them. * * See * * Copyright Lilian Besson, 2021, released under the MIT License * See *) let print = Format.printf;; print "Test almost all other English keywords...\n%!";; let x:int = try begin 2021/0 end with _ -> 42;; assert (x = 42);; let y = 40 and z = 2 in begin let answertolife = y + z in assert (answertolife = 42) end;; assert true;; assert (not false);; assert (true || false);; assert (true && (not false));; open List;; assert ((length [1;2;3]) = 3);; print "Done for the tests in English!\n%!";;