--- title: 5th GouTP @ SCEE subtitle: Introduction to Jupyter notebooks author: Lilian Besson institute: SCEE Team, IETR, CentraleSupélec, Rennes date: Thursday 8th of March, 2018 lang: english --- # 5th 2017/18 GouTP @ SCEE - *About:* **Introduction to Jupyter notebooks** - *Date:* 8th of March 2018 :date: - *Who:* [Lilian Besson](https://GitHub.com/Naereen/slides/) :hand: ### Open source content :notebook: ? > Note: slides are online: `github.com/Naereen/slides/tree/master/ 2018_03__Jupyter_notebooks_are_awesome__GouTP_at_Supelec` --- # What's a *"GouTP"* ? - **Internal monthly technical training session** :date: - Usually: on *Thursday*, at *3pm :clock3: - 3:30pm* :clock330: - With :coffee: coffee, :tea: tea and :cookie: sweets: we relax while training ! > Initiative of Quentin and Vincent :clap: in January 2017... > Continued by Rémi, Muhammad, Rami and Lilian :ok_hand: ! ## Not only @ SCEE :smiley: ? - Currently open to the *FAST* and *AUT* teams --- # Agenda for today :timer_clock: [30 min] 1. Quick presentation of internal tools @ SCEE [5 min] 2. What are the Jupyter notebook tools ? [10 min] 3. Demo time [10 min] 4. Sharing your notebooks online or as PDF [5 min] ## Please :pray: Ask questions and interrupt me if you want! --- # 1. Presentation of internal tools @ SCEE - Welcome to our new PhD student and interns :raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed: ! - You met (almost) everybody this week ! - You will become familiar with the research themes of our team… ### Let see a few :hammer_and_wrench: tools that can make your life easier! --- # Website :spider_web: - [www-scee.rennes.supelec.fr](http://www-scee.rennes.supelec.fr/) was created by Rémi and Aymeric - It is maintained mainly by Rémi : we need help! ![35%](figures/demo_of_our_website.png#center) ## New comers, please :pray: - send a short summary of your research interest with links to your LinkedIn, Google Scholar profile (or other sites). Picture: *if you want* - **to Rémi and I** so we add you on the website --- # Internal Wiki :memo: - We have a MediaWiki running locally on - Welcome pack : can be useful in your first days here! - Anyone can edit, it is maintained by Rémi and I - Participate if you have anything to change (create an account, edit!) --- # Workstations :computer: (Windows & GNU/Linux) - 2 Windows 7 workstations, with MATLAB + WS1 : `` + WS2 : `` - 1 GNU/Linux (Ubuntu) workstation, with Python, GNU Radio… + WS3 : `` - Powerful machines: 12 cores, 32 Gb of RAM, lots of storage… - Monitoring :mag: : (ask us for id/passwd) (please check for use load, before launching heavy simulations) ## :tipping_hand_woman: Ask for an account if you need - To run computations, or to use the TestBed - Ask to *Muhammad for Windows*, to *me for GNU/Linux* --- # USRP TestBeds :phone: - We have 8 USRP cards that can be used from GNU Radio Companion on the WS3 - See more on ## Monitoring :mag: - (made by Quentin) - let you see the IP of each USRP card - and who uses what in real time ## :tipping_hand_woman: Advice - If you need to use the USRP, *discuss with Rémi and Lilian before* --- ![bg original 85%](figures/monitoring_usrp.png) --- # 2. "Project Jupyter", jupyter.org ![bg original 105%](figures/logo.png) --- # 2. What are Jupyter notebooks? ## Technical aspect :mag: 1. A file format, `.ipynb` (just JSON with constraints) 2. An editor in your browser (see it during demo time) 3. Tools to convert `.ipynb` files to scripts, HTML, slides, PDF etc. ## Practical aspect :rocket: 4. A very good way to interact with your code 5. Create smart document with text, maths, code, output and figures, **all included in one file** 6. Easy and perfect to share online and with colleagues ! --- # How to learn :mortar_board: ? ## Online :spider_web: - Try without installing anything ? At [try.jupyter.org](https://try.jupyter.org/) ## On your laptop :computer: 1. Install it :package: 2. Then start: ```bash # from your console $ jupyter notebook ``` 3. Then experiment, practice and learn > If you installed Python with Anaconda, it should be in your system menu *by default* (along *Spyder*, *IPython* and *IPython QT Console*)… --- ## How to install it :package: ? Install it (you need :snake: Python) from https://jupyter.org/install.html. ```bash $ conda install jupyter # if you use Anaconda/conda $ pip install jupyter # for the system-wide Python & pip ``` ## How to start it ? ```sh $ jupyter notebook # from your console ... Copy/paste this URL into your browser when you connect for the first time, to login with a token: http://localhost:8888/?token=44450caacdbe3ecddc21e02e66a6b5162cdd2d86dccd5264 ``` - It should open http://localhost:8888/notebooks/ in your browser - Or open the link in your terminal --- # :snake: Only for Python :cry: ?? - No: supports naitively Julia, Python and R (**Ju + Py + R = Jupyter**) - Dozens of "kernels" allow you to use Jupyter with *almost* any language ! (for free). Installation is usually simple & fast. ## Partial list :memo: - Interpreted languages: :shell: Bash, :camel: Caml/OCaml, Lua etc - :smiley: and of course Wolfram Mathematica and MATLAB > even if they have their own notebook tools now. - :open_mouth: But also compiled languages : C++, C, Go, Java ! ## Complete list of "kernels" > See [github.com/jupyter/jupyter/wiki/Jupyter-kernels](https://github.com/jupyter/jupyter/wiki/Jupyter-kernels) --- # 3. Demo time - I will show you quickly all this… - With an example of coding in Python. - Reference documentation is: [jupyter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/content-quickstart.html](https://jupyter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/content-quickstart.html) --- ## [Internally](https://jupyter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/architecture/visual_overview.html), it's quite complicated, just don't care ![original 60%](figures/repos_map.png#center) --- # Conclusion (1/3) ## Sum-up - I hope you got a good introduction to Jupyter :ok_hand: + Official documentation: at [jupyter.rtfd.io](https://jupyter.readthedocs.io/en/latest/content-quickstart.html) - Also [datacamp.com/community/tutorials/tutorial-jupyter-notebook](http://datacamp.com/community/tutorials/tutorial-jupyter-notebook) ## Pointers 1. :heart: use it and fall in love with it ! 2. Use Jupyter-themes ([`github.com/dunovank/jupyter-themes`](https://github.com/dunovank/jupyter-themes)) to customize the UI as you wish (dark themes, custom fonts etc) 3. Use extensions if you want more features, See [jupyter-contrib-nbextensions.rtfd.io](https://jupyter-contrib-nbextensions.readthedocs.io) --- # Conclusion (2/3) ## Next GouTP @ SCEE - Any request or suggestion ? ## GouTP @ FAST or AUT ? > By Pierre Haessig ? - **Julia programming language** (~ between Python and Matlab) see julialang.org if you are curious ## We need participants! > :point_right: By *you*? Any idea is welcome! :smiley: --- # Conclusion (3/3) > *Thanks for joining :clap: !* > *Contact us if you want to do a GouTP !* ## Your mission, if you accept it… :boom: 1. *Padawan level :* next time you program in :snake: Python (or other language), think about **Jyputer**. Can it help you being more efficient? 2. *Jedi level :* Try to use **Jupyter** when you will have to share or show some piece of code? 3. *Master level :* From now on, try to use (only?) open-source tools for your research (Python and others)…