Testing the Sphinx-Tabs Sphinx extension


Javascript is required!

This web page embeds some small programs written in javascript. This should work in any recent web browser, supporting javascript (and it should not be disabled).

This page tests a Sphinx extension, sphinx-tabs, to include tabs in a web-page generated with Sphinx.


What are tabs? See the examples below, and the ones on the Semantic UI project and its documentation.

How to install it? Use pip it’s easy:

$ pip install sphinx-tabs

How to use it and configure it? To configure it, add this line to your conf.py file (see here for an example my conf.py file, as changed in :bbchangeset:`0740414aa24c`):


Then, in a reStructuredText file, include something like this:

.. tabs::

   .. tab:: Apples

      Apples are green, or sometimes red.

   .. tab:: Pears

      Pears are green.

   .. tab:: Oranges

      Oranges are orange.


Apples are green, or sometimes red.


The sun is a star.

Code Tabs

C Main Function
int main(const int argc, const char **argv) {
  return 0;

Group Tabs

Linux Line 1

Linux Line 2