# Enseignement / Teaching activities - (*Fr*) Ce dossier contient des documents concernant [mes activités d'enseignement](../enseignement.fr.html). - (*En*) This folder contains links to my various [teaching activities](../teaching.en.html). ### En classes préparatoires (MP) / In MP prep' school > (*Fr*) Ces documents sont en français | (*En*) These documents are in French, sorry. - [infoMP/](../infoMP/) informatique "pour tous" en prépa scientifique MP au [Lycée Lakanal](http://www2.lyc-lakanal-sceaux.ac-versailles.fr/), - [mathsMP/](../mathsMP/) et [mathsBCPST/](../mathsBCPST) ressources **privés** pour mes colles en mathématiques en prépa MP et BCPST. Pas encore publiées, bientôt. ### À Mahindra École Centrale / At [Mahindra Ecole Centrale](http://www.mahindraecolecentrale.edu.in) > (*Fr*) Ces documents sont presque tous en anglais, pardon | (*En*) These documents are almost all in English. - [ma101/](../ma101/) Maths in the 1st semester (1st year), July - December 2014, - [cs101/](../cs101/) Computer Science in the 2nd semester (1st year), January - May 2015, - [ma102/](../ma102/) Maths in the 2nd semester (1st year), January - May 2015. - [python-demos/](../python-demos/) demos of use of Python in various scientific domains (March 2015). - I did my best at teaching maths and CS this year 2014-15, and the students were very happy about me: [ma101/feedback](./ma101/feedback/), [ma102/feedback](./ma102/feedback/) and [cs101/feedback](./cs101/feedback/) are all very enthusiastic! ### Licence / License ? [MIT License](http://lbesson.mit-license.org/), (C) et © Lilian Besson 2014-2016.