# StrapDown.js **StrapDown.js** is an awesome **on-the-fly** [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) to [HTML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML) [text processor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compiler). ## Features **StrapDown.js** is already pretty advanced, as you can see by yourself with this very page (powered by StrapDown.js of course). 1. *Directly write your documents in Markdown*, and let the browser do the boring *compilation* steps, 2. no need for CSS, theming or painful styling : *StrapDown.js* is already *friggin' beautiful*, and *responsive*, 3. *quick* and *secure*, thanks to *bitbucket* and its SSL support (even if the certificate is not valid for [https://lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://lbesson.bitbucket.io), it is still secure), 4. an almost perfect support for *text-only* browsers (as w3m, links, or elinks) : *pure Markdown* is simpler to read than complicated HTML full of javascript, images (or worse), 5. no external dependencies other than itself (and MathJax if you want to include it), 6. no spying, no logging, no external leaking of your pages (and [Google Analytics with a 1px beacon image](http://perso.crans.org/besson/beacon.html) can be included with an option, and unfortunately [rum.js from bitbucket hosting server](https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Publishing+a+Website+on+Bitbucket#PublishingaWebsiteonBitbucket-TechnicalFeaturesandLimitationsofthisFeature)), 7. an excellent support of [*MathJax*](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in [this example](example3.html) or [that one](example5.html), 8. and, the last but not the least, an *experimental* embedding of the awesome [SquirtFR](//lbesson.bitbucket.io/squirt) bookmarklet to read *as quickly as Lucky Luke*. ## Defaults ? But there is also have a few things you need to know before using it : 1. It might get slow for *long* pages (30000 lines seems to be too much), 2. a reduced support for browsers *without javascript* or *with javascript disabled* (the pages are still readable, but really ugly), 3. hosted on bitbucket, which is wonderful but might not be always available (~ 3 hours of maintenance every 6 months, as shown with a small screenshot below). <img style="align:center;margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;display:block;" src="bitbucket_maintenance.png" alt="Maintenance on bitbucket.org" title="Bitbucket.org annoucing a short maintenance" width="50%" /> ## Concretly Concretly, bitbucket is always *up*, *secured* and *quick* (oooh, and bitbucket is also awesome, completely free, and awesome too). Yeah, *bitbucket is so awesome* that I had to say it *twice*, you read it correctly. But if you prefer, feel free to download the project (with [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip)) and upload it somewhere on your own server, or locally on your machine. > ### A quick "thank you" to the initial project > My version of StrapDown.js is a fork of [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com), a cool project that kinda seems dead by now. ---- ## How to start using StrapDown.js ? **Just follow this short tutorial** : ### 1) [Default template to use](example0.html) *(you can click this to see it)* Create an empty file, save it to *mytext.html* (yes, '*.html*' as HTML, but you will write in Markdown in no time), and then copy and paste the following 5 lines : ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>A StrapDown.js template</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> ### Write here in Markdown rather than in HTML > This document is empty right now. Fill it out with awesome content ! </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example0"></script></body></html> ``` ### 2) [A first example](example1.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we show how to use some basic markup. ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>« My first test with StrapDown.js »</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example1"></script></body></html> ``` ### 3) [A second example](example2.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we embed two images, and describe a little more how cool is StrapDown.js ! We also use another theme (*united*). ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Awesome second example with StrapDown.js</title></head><body><textarea theme="united"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. ## What to say more Feel free to use it, redistribute it etc, *under the condition of the GPLv3 License*. ## Only for textual, simple documents StrapDown.js is *awesome* to quickly build nice-looking web pages, but it might not be efficient for anything more complicated, as it is really not designed for it. ## Add a picture ? With Markdown syntax, it's easy : ![GA|Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-38514290-14/example2.html "Thanks to ga-beacon"). ### An other one ? Alright, here comes the mighty Cthulhu ![Logo Squirt](../squirt/images/logo.png "Logo Cthulhu") ### A last one, because it's dangerous to go alone : ![Logo Take this from dotcore](../squirt/images/takethis.jpg "Logo «Take this» from dotcore") ## Add anything you want, it *might* work For instance, you can add use Google Analytics to monitor the page's activity, with including a piece of Javascript code, before *or* after closing the *textarea* tag. <script type="text/javascript"> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create','UA-38514290-14','lbesson.bitbucket.io'); ga('send','pageview'); </script> <noscript> The previous paragraph was supposed to include Google Analytics web monitoring tool, but hey, you are browsing without JavaScript enabled, what can I do for it ? <br/> Maybe you are using a text-only browser (w3m, links, elinks ? I love elinks !), or a 19th-century IE, or maybe you disabled JavaScript globally (which is kinda stupid) or site-by-site (with NoScript, as I do, which is brilliant, and safer). </noscript> ## That's it This was a brief overview, to show the basic use of [StrapDown.js](index.html). </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example2"></script></body></html> ``` ### 4) Last examples, with MathJax enabled StrapDown.js comes with an *easy* and *excellent* support of the incredible [MathJax](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in these three examples: [example n°3](example3.html) and [example n°4](example4.html), and [the last one](example5.html) which shows a new and quicker way to include MathJax (from StrapDown *v0.5*). ---- # Themes Only two themes from [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com "Original project's website") are pretty enough to be included : - cyborg, as used by *the page* you are reading ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/cyborg) for a complete demo), - and united (as used [here](example2.html)!), inspired from [ubuntu](https://www.ubuntu.com/) ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/united) for a demo). Maybe I will add some more, maybe ! ---- # Printing to a nice looking PDF? Rather than use the built-in *"Print to a PDF"* function of your browser, you should consider using [StrapDown2PDF](strapdown2pdf.html). It has an excellent support for Markdown markup. **Warning:** but the LaTeX / MathJax support is still limited. ---- # Cloning? As of now, StrapDown.js does **not** have it own git repository. And I don't want to, because it is cleaner to let it live on //lbesson.bitbucket.io/md. But, there, you can download this not up-to-date version of the *md* subdir of my [lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/src/master/md/) repository : [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip) (and [its PGP signature](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip.asc)). ---- # Future features or ideas - Maybe host it on a *CDN*, - More themes, - Hack something to force using local cached version of the script and stylesheets rather than download them every time ? - Any idea is most surely welcome! ---- # About ### Forged by [Lilian Besson](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson) ### Languages - Markdown; - JavaScript; - CSS 3. ### License This project is released under the **GPLv3 license**, for more details, take a look at the [LICENSE](http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html) file in the source. *Basically, that allow you to use all or part of the project for you own business.* ---- # StrapDown.js **StrapDown.js** is an awesome **on-the-fly** [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) to [HTML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML) [text processor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compiler). ## Features **StrapDown.js** is already pretty advanced, as you can see by yourself with this very page (powered by StrapDown.js of course). 1. *Directly write your documents in Markdown*, and let the browser do the boring *compilation* steps, 2. no need for CSS, theming or painful styling : *StrapDown.js* is already *friggin' beautiful*, and *responsive*, 3. *quick* and *secure*, thanks to *bitbucket* and its SSL support (even if the certificate is not valid for [https://lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://lbesson.bitbucket.io), it is still secure), 4. an almost perfect support for *text-only* browsers (as w3m, links, or elinks) : *pure Markdown* is simpler to read than complicated HTML full of javascript, images (or worse), 5. no external dependencies other than itself (and MathJax if you want to include it), 6. no spying, no logging, no external leaking of your pages (and [Google Analytics with a 1px beacon image](http://perso.crans.org/besson/beacon.html) can be included with an option, and unfortunately [rum.js from bitbucket hosting server](https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Publishing+a+Website+on+Bitbucket#PublishingaWebsiteonBitbucket-TechnicalFeaturesandLimitationsofthisFeature)), 7. an excellent support of [*MathJax*](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in [this example](example3.html) or [that one](example5.html), 8. and, the last but not the least, an *experimental* embedding of the awesome [SquirtFR](//lbesson.bitbucket.io/squirt) bookmarklet to read *as quickly as Lucky Luke*. ## Defaults ? But there is also have a few things you need to know before using it : 1. It might get slow for *long* pages (30000 lines seems to be too much), 2. a reduced support for browsers *without javascript* or *with javascript disabled* (the pages are still readable, but really ugly), 3. hosted on bitbucket, which is wonderful but might not be always available (~ 3 hours of maintenance every 6 months, as shown with a small screenshot below). <img style="align:center;margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;display:block;" src="bitbucket_maintenance.png" alt="Maintenance on bitbucket.org" title="Bitbucket.org annoucing a short maintenance" width="50%" /> ## Concretly Concretly, bitbucket is always *up*, *secured* and *quick* (oooh, and bitbucket is also awesome, completely free, and awesome too). Yeah, *bitbucket is so awesome* that I had to say it *twice*, you read it correctly. But if you prefer, feel free to download the project (with [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip)) and upload it somewhere on your own server, or locally on your machine. > ### A quick "thank you" to the initial project > My version of StrapDown.js is a fork of [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com), a cool project that kinda seems dead by now. ---- ## How to start using StrapDown.js ? **Just follow this short tutorial** : ### 1) [Default template to use](example0.html) *(you can click this to see it)* Create an empty file, save it to *mytext.html* (yes, '*.html*' as HTML, but you will write in Markdown in no time), and then copy and paste the following 5 lines : ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>A StrapDown.js template</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> ### Write here in Markdown rather than in HTML > This document is empty right now. Fill it out with awesome content ! </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example0"></script></body></html> ``` ### 2) [A first example](example1.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we show how to use some basic markup. ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>« My first test with StrapDown.js »</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example1"></script></body></html> ``` ### 3) [A second example](example2.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we embed two images, and describe a little more how cool is StrapDown.js ! We also use another theme (*united*). ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Awesome second example with StrapDown.js</title></head><body><textarea theme="united"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. ## What to say more Feel free to use it, redistribute it etc, *under the condition of the GPLv3 License*. ## Only for textual, simple documents StrapDown.js is *awesome* to quickly build nice-looking web pages, but it might not be efficient for anything more complicated, as it is really not designed for it. ## Add a picture ? With Markdown syntax, it's easy : ![GA|Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-38514290-14/example2.html "Thanks to ga-beacon"). ### An other one ? Alright, here comes the mighty Cthulhu ![Logo Squirt](../squirt/images/logo.png "Logo Cthulhu") ### A last one, because it's dangerous to go alone : ![Logo Take this from dotcore](../squirt/images/takethis.jpg "Logo «Take this» from dotcore") ## Add anything you want, it *might* work For instance, you can add use Google Analytics to monitor the page's activity, with including a piece of Javascript code, before *or* after closing the *textarea* tag. <script type="text/javascript"> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create','UA-38514290-14','lbesson.bitbucket.io'); ga('send','pageview'); </script> <noscript> The previous paragraph was supposed to include Google Analytics web monitoring tool, but hey, you are browsing without JavaScript enabled, what can I do for it ? <br/> Maybe you are using a text-only browser (w3m, links, elinks ? I love elinks !), or a 19th-century IE, or maybe you disabled JavaScript globally (which is kinda stupid) or site-by-site (with NoScript, as I do, which is brilliant, and safer). </noscript> ## That's it This was a brief overview, to show the basic use of [StrapDown.js](index.html). </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example2"></script></body></html> ``` ### 4) Last examples, with MathJax enabled StrapDown.js comes with an *easy* and *excellent* support of the incredible [MathJax](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in these three examples: [example n°3](example3.html) and [example n°4](example4.html), and [the last one](example5.html) which shows a new and quicker way to include MathJax (from StrapDown *v0.5*). ---- # Themes Only two themes from [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com "Original project's website") are pretty enough to be included : - cyborg, as used by *the page* you are reading ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/cyborg) for a complete demo), - and united (as used [here](example2.html)!), inspired from [ubuntu](https://www.ubuntu.com/) ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/united) for a demo). Maybe I will add some more, maybe ! ---- # Printing to a nice looking PDF? Rather than use the built-in *"Print to a PDF"* function of your browser, you should consider using [StrapDown2PDF](strapdown2pdf.html). It has an excellent support for Markdown markup. **Warning:** but the LaTeX / MathJax support is still limited. ---- # Cloning? As of now, StrapDown.js does **not** have it own git repository. And I don't want to, because it is cleaner to let it live on //lbesson.bitbucket.io/md. But, there, you can download this not up-to-date version of the *md* subdir of my [lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/src/master/md/) repository : [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip) (and [its PGP signature](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip.asc)). ---- # Future features or ideas - Maybe host it on a *CDN*, - More themes, - Hack something to force using local cached version of the script and stylesheets rather than download them every time ? - Any idea is most surely welcome! ---- # About ### Forged by [Lilian Besson](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson) ### Languages - Markdown; - JavaScript; - CSS 3. ### License This project is released under the **GPLv3 license**, for more details, take a look at the [LICENSE](http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html) file in the source. *Basically, that allow you to use all or part of the project for you own business.* ---- # StrapDown.js **StrapDown.js** is an awesome **on-the-fly** [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) to [HTML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML) [text processor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compiler). ## Features **StrapDown.js** is already pretty advanced, as you can see by yourself with this very page (powered by StrapDown.js of course). 1. *Directly write your documents in Markdown*, and let the browser do the boring *compilation* steps, 2. no need for CSS, theming or painful styling : *StrapDown.js* is already *friggin' beautiful*, and *responsive*, 3. *quick* and *secure*, thanks to *bitbucket* and its SSL support (even if the certificate is not valid for [https://lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://lbesson.bitbucket.io), it is still secure), 4. an almost perfect support for *text-only* browsers (as w3m, links, or elinks) : *pure Markdown* is simpler to read than complicated HTML full of javascript, images (or worse), 5. no external dependencies other than itself (and MathJax if you want to include it), 6. no spying, no logging, no external leaking of your pages (and [Google Analytics with a 1px beacon image](http://perso.crans.org/besson/beacon.html) can be included with an option, and unfortunately [rum.js from bitbucket hosting server](https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Publishing+a+Website+on+Bitbucket#PublishingaWebsiteonBitbucket-TechnicalFeaturesandLimitationsofthisFeature)), 7. an excellent support of [*MathJax*](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in [this example](example3.html) or [that one](example5.html), 8. and, the last but not the least, an *experimental* embedding of the awesome [SquirtFR](//lbesson.bitbucket.io/squirt) bookmarklet to read *as quickly as Lucky Luke*. ## Defaults ? But there is also have a few things you need to know before using it : 1. It might get slow for *long* pages (30000 lines seems to be too much), 2. a reduced support for browsers *without javascript* or *with javascript disabled* (the pages are still readable, but really ugly), 3. hosted on bitbucket, which is wonderful but might not be always available (~ 3 hours of maintenance every 6 months, as shown with a small screenshot below). <img style="align:center;margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;display:block;" src="bitbucket_maintenance.png" alt="Maintenance on bitbucket.org" title="Bitbucket.org annoucing a short maintenance" width="50%" /> ## Concretly Concretly, bitbucket is always *up*, *secured* and *quick* (oooh, and bitbucket is also awesome, completely free, and awesome too). Yeah, *bitbucket is so awesome* that I had to say it *twice*, you read it correctly. But if you prefer, feel free to download the project (with [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip)) and upload it somewhere on your own server, or locally on your machine. > ### A quick "thank you" to the initial project > My version of StrapDown.js is a fork of [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com), a cool project that kinda seems dead by now. ---- ## How to start using StrapDown.js ? **Just follow this short tutorial** : ### 1) [Default template to use](example0.html) *(you can click this to see it)* Create an empty file, save it to *mytext.html* (yes, '*.html*' as HTML, but you will write in Markdown in no time), and then copy and paste the following 5 lines : ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>A StrapDown.js template</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> ### Write here in Markdown rather than in HTML > This document is empty right now. Fill it out with awesome content ! </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example0"></script></body></html> ``` ### 2) [A first example](example1.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we show how to use some basic markup. ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>« My first test with StrapDown.js »</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example1"></script></body></html> ``` ### 3) [A second example](example2.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we embed two images, and describe a little more how cool is StrapDown.js ! We also use another theme (*united*). ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Awesome second example with StrapDown.js</title></head><body><textarea theme="united"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. ## What to say more Feel free to use it, redistribute it etc, *under the condition of the GPLv3 License*. ## Only for textual, simple documents StrapDown.js is *awesome* to quickly build nice-looking web pages, but it might not be efficient for anything more complicated, as it is really not designed for it. ## Add a picture ? With Markdown syntax, it's easy : ![GA|Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-38514290-14/example2.html "Thanks to ga-beacon"). ### An other one ? Alright, here comes the mighty Cthulhu ![Logo Squirt](../squirt/images/logo.png "Logo Cthulhu") ### A last one, because it's dangerous to go alone : ![Logo Take this from dotcore](../squirt/images/takethis.jpg "Logo «Take this» from dotcore") ## Add anything you want, it *might* work For instance, you can add use Google Analytics to monitor the page's activity, with including a piece of Javascript code, before *or* after closing the *textarea* tag. <script type="text/javascript"> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create','UA-38514290-14','lbesson.bitbucket.io'); ga('send','pageview'); </script> <noscript> The previous paragraph was supposed to include Google Analytics web monitoring tool, but hey, you are browsing without JavaScript enabled, what can I do for it ? <br/> Maybe you are using a text-only browser (w3m, links, elinks ? I love elinks !), or a 19th-century IE, or maybe you disabled JavaScript globally (which is kinda stupid) or site-by-site (with NoScript, as I do, which is brilliant, and safer). </noscript> ## That's it This was a brief overview, to show the basic use of [StrapDown.js](index.html). </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example2"></script></body></html> ``` ### 4) Last examples, with MathJax enabled StrapDown.js comes with an *easy* and *excellent* support of the incredible [MathJax](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in these three examples: [example n°3](example3.html) and [example n°4](example4.html), and [the last one](example5.html) which shows a new and quicker way to include MathJax (from StrapDown *v0.5*). ---- # Themes Only two themes from [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com "Original project's website") are pretty enough to be included : - cyborg, as used by *the page* you are reading ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/cyborg) for a complete demo), - and united (as used [here](example2.html)!), inspired from [ubuntu](https://www.ubuntu.com/) ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/united) for a demo). Maybe I will add some more, maybe ! ---- # Printing to a nice looking PDF? Rather than use the built-in *"Print to a PDF"* function of your browser, you should consider using [StrapDown2PDF](strapdown2pdf.html). It has an excellent support for Markdown markup. **Warning:** but the LaTeX / MathJax support is still limited. ---- # Cloning? As of now, StrapDown.js does **not** have it own git repository. And I don't want to, because it is cleaner to let it live on //lbesson.bitbucket.io/md. But, there, you can download this not up-to-date version of the *md* subdir of my [lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/src/master/md/) repository : [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip) (and [its PGP signature](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip.asc)). ---- # Future features or ideas - Maybe host it on a *CDN*, - More themes, - Hack something to force using local cached version of the script and stylesheets rather than download them every time ? - Any idea is most surely welcome! ---- # About ### Forged by [Lilian Besson](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson) ### Languages - Markdown; - JavaScript; - CSS 3. ### License This project is released under the **GPLv3 license**, for more details, take a look at the [LICENSE](http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html) file in the source. *Basically, that allow you to use all or part of the project for you own business.* ---- # StrapDown.js **StrapDown.js** is an awesome **on-the-fly** [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) to [HTML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML) [text processor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compiler). ## Features **StrapDown.js** is already pretty advanced, as you can see by yourself with this very page (powered by StrapDown.js of course). 1. *Directly write your documents in Markdown*, and let the browser do the boring *compilation* steps, 2. no need for CSS, theming or painful styling : *StrapDown.js* is already *friggin' beautiful*, and *responsive*, 3. *quick* and *secure*, thanks to *bitbucket* and its SSL support (even if the certificate is not valid for [https://lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://lbesson.bitbucket.io), it is still secure), 4. an almost perfect support for *text-only* browsers (as w3m, links, or elinks) : *pure Markdown* is simpler to read than complicated HTML full of javascript, images (or worse), 5. no external dependencies other than itself (and MathJax if you want to include it), 6. no spying, no logging, no external leaking of your pages (and [Google Analytics with a 1px beacon image](http://perso.crans.org/besson/beacon.html) can be included with an option, and unfortunately [rum.js from bitbucket hosting server](https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Publishing+a+Website+on+Bitbucket#PublishingaWebsiteonBitbucket-TechnicalFeaturesandLimitationsofthisFeature)), 7. an excellent support of [*MathJax*](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in [this example](example3.html) or [that one](example5.html), 8. and, the last but not the least, an *experimental* embedding of the awesome [SquirtFR](//lbesson.bitbucket.io/squirt) bookmarklet to read *as quickly as Lucky Luke*. ## Defaults ? But there is also have a few things you need to know before using it : 1. It might get slow for *long* pages (30000 lines seems to be too much), 2. a reduced support for browsers *without javascript* or *with javascript disabled* (the pages are still readable, but really ugly), 3. hosted on bitbucket, which is wonderful but might not be always available (~ 3 hours of maintenance every 6 months, as shown with a small screenshot below). <img style="align:center;margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;display:block;" src="bitbucket_maintenance.png" alt="Maintenance on bitbucket.org" title="Bitbucket.org annoucing a short maintenance" width="50%" /> ## Concretly Concretly, bitbucket is always *up*, *secured* and *quick* (oooh, and bitbucket is also awesome, completely free, and awesome too). Yeah, *bitbucket is so awesome* that I had to say it *twice*, you read it correctly. But if you prefer, feel free to download the project (with [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip)) and upload it somewhere on your own server, or locally on your machine. > ### A quick "thank you" to the initial project > My version of StrapDown.js is a fork of [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com), a cool project that kinda seems dead by now. ---- ## How to start using StrapDown.js ? **Just follow this short tutorial** : ### 1) [Default template to use](example0.html) *(you can click this to see it)* Create an empty file, save it to *mytext.html* (yes, '*.html*' as HTML, but you will write in Markdown in no time), and then copy and paste the following 5 lines : ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>A StrapDown.js template</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> ### Write here in Markdown rather than in HTML > This document is empty right now. Fill it out with awesome content ! </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example0"></script></body></html> ``` ### 2) [A first example](example1.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we show how to use some basic markup. ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>« My first test with StrapDown.js »</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example1"></script></body></html> ``` ### 3) [A second example](example2.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we embed two images, and describe a little more how cool is StrapDown.js ! We also use another theme (*united*). ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Awesome second example with StrapDown.js</title></head><body><textarea theme="united"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. ## What to say more Feel free to use it, redistribute it etc, *under the condition of the GPLv3 License*. ## Only for textual, simple documents StrapDown.js is *awesome* to quickly build nice-looking web pages, but it might not be efficient for anything more complicated, as it is really not designed for it. ## Add a picture ? With Markdown syntax, it's easy : ![GA|Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-38514290-14/example2.html "Thanks to ga-beacon"). ### An other one ? Alright, here comes the mighty Cthulhu ![Logo Squirt](../squirt/images/logo.png "Logo Cthulhu") ### A last one, because it's dangerous to go alone : ![Logo Take this from dotcore](../squirt/images/takethis.jpg "Logo «Take this» from dotcore") ## Add anything you want, it *might* work For instance, you can add use Google Analytics to monitor the page's activity, with including a piece of Javascript code, before *or* after closing the *textarea* tag. <script type="text/javascript"> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create','UA-38514290-14','lbesson.bitbucket.io'); ga('send','pageview'); </script> <noscript> The previous paragraph was supposed to include Google Analytics web monitoring tool, but hey, you are browsing without JavaScript enabled, what can I do for it ? <br/> Maybe you are using a text-only browser (w3m, links, elinks ? I love elinks !), or a 19th-century IE, or maybe you disabled JavaScript globally (which is kinda stupid) or site-by-site (with NoScript, as I do, which is brilliant, and safer). </noscript> ## That's it This was a brief overview, to show the basic use of [StrapDown.js](index.html). </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example2"></script></body></html> ``` ### 4) Last examples, with MathJax enabled StrapDown.js comes with an *easy* and *excellent* support of the incredible [MathJax](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in these three examples: [example n°3](example3.html) and [example n°4](example4.html), and [the last one](example5.html) which shows a new and quicker way to include MathJax (from StrapDown *v0.5*). ---- # Themes Only two themes from [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com "Original project's website") are pretty enough to be included : - cyborg, as used by *the page* you are reading ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/cyborg) for a complete demo), - and united (as used [here](example2.html)!), inspired from [ubuntu](https://www.ubuntu.com/) ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/united) for a demo). Maybe I will add some more, maybe ! ---- # Printing to a nice looking PDF? Rather than use the built-in *"Print to a PDF"* function of your browser, you should consider using [StrapDown2PDF](strapdown2pdf.html). It has an excellent support for Markdown markup. **Warning:** but the LaTeX / MathJax support is still limited. ---- # Cloning? As of now, StrapDown.js does **not** have it own git repository. And I don't want to, because it is cleaner to let it live on //lbesson.bitbucket.io/md. But, there, you can download this not up-to-date version of the *md* subdir of my [lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/src/master/md/) repository : [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip) (and [its PGP signature](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip.asc)). ---- # Future features or ideas - Maybe host it on a *CDN*, - More themes, - Hack something to force using local cached version of the script and stylesheets rather than download them every time ? - Any idea is most surely welcome! ---- # About ### Forged by [Lilian Besson](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson) ### Languages - Markdown; - JavaScript; - CSS 3. ### License This project is released under the **GPLv3 license**, for more details, take a look at the [LICENSE](http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html) file in the source. *Basically, that allow you to use all or part of the project for you own business.* ---- # StrapDown.js **StrapDown.js** is an awesome **on-the-fly** [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) to [HTML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML) [text processor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compiler). ## Features **StrapDown.js** is already pretty advanced, as you can see by yourself with this very page (powered by StrapDown.js of course). 1. *Directly write your documents in Markdown*, and let the browser do the boring *compilation* steps, 2. no need for CSS, theming or painful styling : *StrapDown.js* is already *friggin' beautiful*, and *responsive*, 3. *quick* and *secure*, thanks to *bitbucket* and its SSL support (even if the certificate is not valid for [https://lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://lbesson.bitbucket.io), it is still secure), 4. an almost perfect support for *text-only* browsers (as w3m, links, or elinks) : *pure Markdown* is simpler to read than complicated HTML full of javascript, images (or worse), 5. no external dependencies other than itself (and MathJax if you want to include it), 6. no spying, no logging, no external leaking of your pages (and [Google Analytics with a 1px beacon image](http://perso.crans.org/besson/beacon.html) can be included with an option, and unfortunately [rum.js from bitbucket hosting server](https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Publishing+a+Website+on+Bitbucket#PublishingaWebsiteonBitbucket-TechnicalFeaturesandLimitationsofthisFeature)), 7. an excellent support of [*MathJax*](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in [this example](example3.html) or [that one](example5.html), 8. and, the last but not the least, an *experimental* embedding of the awesome [SquirtFR](//lbesson.bitbucket.io/squirt) bookmarklet to read *as quickly as Lucky Luke*. ## Defaults ? But there is also have a few things you need to know before using it : 1. It might get slow for *long* pages (30000 lines seems to be too much), 2. a reduced support for browsers *without javascript* or *with javascript disabled* (the pages are still readable, but really ugly), 3. hosted on bitbucket, which is wonderful but might not be always available (~ 3 hours of maintenance every 6 months, as shown with a small screenshot below). <img style="align:center;margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;display:block;" src="bitbucket_maintenance.png" alt="Maintenance on bitbucket.org" title="Bitbucket.org annoucing a short maintenance" width="50%" /> ## Concretly Concretly, bitbucket is always *up*, *secured* and *quick* (oooh, and bitbucket is also awesome, completely free, and awesome too). Yeah, *bitbucket is so awesome* that I had to say it *twice*, you read it correctly. But if you prefer, feel free to download the project (with [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip)) and upload it somewhere on your own server, or locally on your machine. > ### A quick "thank you" to the initial project > My version of StrapDown.js is a fork of [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com), a cool project that kinda seems dead by now. ---- ## How to start using StrapDown.js ? **Just follow this short tutorial** : ### 1) [Default template to use](example0.html) *(you can click this to see it)* Create an empty file, save it to *mytext.html* (yes, '*.html*' as HTML, but you will write in Markdown in no time), and then copy and paste the following 5 lines : ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>A StrapDown.js template</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> ### Write here in Markdown rather than in HTML > This document is empty right now. Fill it out with awesome content ! </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example0"></script></body></html> ``` ### 2) [A first example](example1.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we show how to use some basic markup. ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>« My first test with StrapDown.js »</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example1"></script></body></html> ``` ### 3) [A second example](example2.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we embed two images, and describe a little more how cool is StrapDown.js ! We also use another theme (*united*). ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Awesome second example with StrapDown.js</title></head><body><textarea theme="united"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. ## What to say more Feel free to use it, redistribute it etc, *under the condition of the GPLv3 License*. ## Only for textual, simple documents StrapDown.js is *awesome* to quickly build nice-looking web pages, but it might not be efficient for anything more complicated, as it is really not designed for it. ## Add a picture ? With Markdown syntax, it's easy : ![GA|Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-38514290-14/example2.html "Thanks to ga-beacon"). ### An other one ? Alright, here comes the mighty Cthulhu ![Logo Squirt](../squirt/images/logo.png "Logo Cthulhu") ### A last one, because it's dangerous to go alone : ![Logo Take this from dotcore](../squirt/images/takethis.jpg "Logo «Take this» from dotcore") ## Add anything you want, it *might* work For instance, you can add use Google Analytics to monitor the page's activity, with including a piece of Javascript code, before *or* after closing the *textarea* tag. <script type="text/javascript"> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create','UA-38514290-14','lbesson.bitbucket.io'); ga('send','pageview'); </script> <noscript> The previous paragraph was supposed to include Google Analytics web monitoring tool, but hey, you are browsing without JavaScript enabled, what can I do for it ? <br/> Maybe you are using a text-only browser (w3m, links, elinks ? I love elinks !), or a 19th-century IE, or maybe you disabled JavaScript globally (which is kinda stupid) or site-by-site (with NoScript, as I do, which is brilliant, and safer). </noscript> ## That's it This was a brief overview, to show the basic use of [StrapDown.js](index.html). </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example2"></script></body></html> ``` ### 4) Last examples, with MathJax enabled StrapDown.js comes with an *easy* and *excellent* support of the incredible [MathJax](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in these three examples: [example n°3](example3.html) and [example n°4](example4.html), and [the last one](example5.html) which shows a new and quicker way to include MathJax (from StrapDown *v0.5*). ---- # Themes Only two themes from [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com "Original project's website") are pretty enough to be included : - cyborg, as used by *the page* you are reading ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/cyborg) for a complete demo), - and united (as used [here](example2.html)!), inspired from [ubuntu](https://www.ubuntu.com/) ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/united) for a demo). Maybe I will add some more, maybe ! ---- # Printing to a nice looking PDF? Rather than use the built-in *"Print to a PDF"* function of your browser, you should consider using [StrapDown2PDF](strapdown2pdf.html). It has an excellent support for Markdown markup. **Warning:** but the LaTeX / MathJax support is still limited. ---- # Cloning? As of now, StrapDown.js does **not** have it own git repository. And I don't want to, because it is cleaner to let it live on //lbesson.bitbucket.io/md. But, there, you can download this not up-to-date version of the *md* subdir of my [lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/src/master/md/) repository : [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip) (and [its PGP signature](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip.asc)). ---- # Future features or ideas - Maybe host it on a *CDN*, - More themes, - Hack something to force using local cached version of the script and stylesheets rather than download them every time ? - Any idea is most surely welcome! ---- # About ### Forged by [Lilian Besson](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson) ### Languages - Markdown; - JavaScript; - CSS 3. ### License This project is released under the **GPLv3 license**, for more details, take a look at the [LICENSE](http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html) file in the source. *Basically, that allow you to use all or part of the project for you own business.* ---- # StrapDown.js **StrapDown.js** is an awesome **on-the-fly** [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) to [HTML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML) [text processor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compiler). ## Features **StrapDown.js** is already pretty advanced, as you can see by yourself with this very page (powered by StrapDown.js of course). 1. *Directly write your documents in Markdown*, and let the browser do the boring *compilation* steps, 2. no need for CSS, theming or painful styling : *StrapDown.js* is already *friggin' beautiful*, and *responsive*, 3. *quick* and *secure*, thanks to *bitbucket* and its SSL support (even if the certificate is not valid for [https://lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://lbesson.bitbucket.io), it is still secure), 4. an almost perfect support for *text-only* browsers (as w3m, links, or elinks) : *pure Markdown* is simpler to read than complicated HTML full of javascript, images (or worse), 5. no external dependencies other than itself (and MathJax if you want to include it), 6. no spying, no logging, no external leaking of your pages (and [Google Analytics with a 1px beacon image](http://perso.crans.org/besson/beacon.html) can be included with an option, and unfortunately [rum.js from bitbucket hosting server](https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Publishing+a+Website+on+Bitbucket#PublishingaWebsiteonBitbucket-TechnicalFeaturesandLimitationsofthisFeature)), 7. an excellent support of [*MathJax*](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in [this example](example3.html) or [that one](example5.html), 8. and, the last but not the least, an *experimental* embedding of the awesome [SquirtFR](//lbesson.bitbucket.io/squirt) bookmarklet to read *as quickly as Lucky Luke*. ## Defaults ? But there is also have a few things you need to know before using it : 1. It might get slow for *long* pages (30000 lines seems to be too much), 2. a reduced support for browsers *without javascript* or *with javascript disabled* (the pages are still readable, but really ugly), 3. hosted on bitbucket, which is wonderful but might not be always available (~ 3 hours of maintenance every 6 months, as shown with a small screenshot below). <img style="align:center;margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;display:block;" src="bitbucket_maintenance.png" alt="Maintenance on bitbucket.org" title="Bitbucket.org annoucing a short maintenance" width="50%" /> ## Concretly Concretly, bitbucket is always *up*, *secured* and *quick* (oooh, and bitbucket is also awesome, completely free, and awesome too). Yeah, *bitbucket is so awesome* that I had to say it *twice*, you read it correctly. But if you prefer, feel free to download the project (with [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip)) and upload it somewhere on your own server, or locally on your machine. > ### A quick "thank you" to the initial project > My version of StrapDown.js is a fork of [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com), a cool project that kinda seems dead by now. ---- ## How to start using StrapDown.js ? **Just follow this short tutorial** : ### 1) [Default template to use](example0.html) *(you can click this to see it)* Create an empty file, save it to *mytext.html* (yes, '*.html*' as HTML, but you will write in Markdown in no time), and then copy and paste the following 5 lines : ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>A StrapDown.js template</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> ### Write here in Markdown rather than in HTML > This document is empty right now. Fill it out with awesome content ! </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example0"></script></body></html> ``` ### 2) [A first example](example1.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we show how to use some basic markup. ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>« My first test with StrapDown.js »</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example1"></script></body></html> ``` ### 3) [A second example](example2.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we embed two images, and describe a little more how cool is StrapDown.js ! We also use another theme (*united*). ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Awesome second example with StrapDown.js</title></head><body><textarea theme="united"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. ## What to say more Feel free to use it, redistribute it etc, *under the condition of the GPLv3 License*. ## Only for textual, simple documents StrapDown.js is *awesome* to quickly build nice-looking web pages, but it might not be efficient for anything more complicated, as it is really not designed for it. ## Add a picture ? With Markdown syntax, it's easy : ![GA|Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-38514290-14/example2.html "Thanks to ga-beacon"). ### An other one ? Alright, here comes the mighty Cthulhu ![Logo Squirt](../squirt/images/logo.png "Logo Cthulhu") ### A last one, because it's dangerous to go alone : ![Logo Take this from dotcore](../squirt/images/takethis.jpg "Logo «Take this» from dotcore") ## Add anything you want, it *might* work For instance, you can add use Google Analytics to monitor the page's activity, with including a piece of Javascript code, before *or* after closing the *textarea* tag. <script type="text/javascript"> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create','UA-38514290-14','lbesson.bitbucket.io'); ga('send','pageview'); </script> <noscript> The previous paragraph was supposed to include Google Analytics web monitoring tool, but hey, you are browsing without JavaScript enabled, what can I do for it ? <br/> Maybe you are using a text-only browser (w3m, links, elinks ? I love elinks !), or a 19th-century IE, or maybe you disabled JavaScript globally (which is kinda stupid) or site-by-site (with NoScript, as I do, which is brilliant, and safer). </noscript> ## That's it This was a brief overview, to show the basic use of [StrapDown.js](index.html). </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example2"></script></body></html> ``` ### 4) Last examples, with MathJax enabled StrapDown.js comes with an *easy* and *excellent* support of the incredible [MathJax](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in these three examples: [example n°3](example3.html) and [example n°4](example4.html), and [the last one](example5.html) which shows a new and quicker way to include MathJax (from StrapDown *v0.5*). ---- # Themes Only two themes from [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com "Original project's website") are pretty enough to be included : - cyborg, as used by *the page* you are reading ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/cyborg) for a complete demo), - and united (as used [here](example2.html)!), inspired from [ubuntu](https://www.ubuntu.com/) ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/united) for a demo). Maybe I will add some more, maybe ! ---- # Printing to a nice looking PDF? Rather than use the built-in *"Print to a PDF"* function of your browser, you should consider using [StrapDown2PDF](strapdown2pdf.html). It has an excellent support for Markdown markup. **Warning:** but the LaTeX / MathJax support is still limited. ---- # Cloning? As of now, StrapDown.js does **not** have it own git repository. And I don't want to, because it is cleaner to let it live on //lbesson.bitbucket.io/md. But, there, you can download this not up-to-date version of the *md* subdir of my [lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/src/master/md/) repository : [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip) (and [its PGP signature](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip.asc)). ---- # Future features or ideas - Maybe host it on a *CDN*, - More themes, - Hack something to force using local cached version of the script and stylesheets rather than download them every time ? - Any idea is most surely welcome! ---- # About ### Forged by [Lilian Besson](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson) ### Languages - Markdown; - JavaScript; - CSS 3. ### License This project is released under the **GPLv3 license**, for more details, take a look at the [LICENSE](http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html) file in the source. *Basically, that allow you to use all or part of the project for you own business.* ---- # StrapDown.js **StrapDown.js** is an awesome **on-the-fly** [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) to [HTML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML) [text processor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compiler). ## Features **StrapDown.js** is already pretty advanced, as you can see by yourself with this very page (powered by StrapDown.js of course). 1. *Directly write your documents in Markdown*, and let the browser do the boring *compilation* steps, 2. no need for CSS, theming or painful styling : *StrapDown.js* is already *friggin' beautiful*, and *responsive*, 3. *quick* and *secure*, thanks to *bitbucket* and its SSL support (even if the certificate is not valid for [https://lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://lbesson.bitbucket.io), it is still secure), 4. an almost perfect support for *text-only* browsers (as w3m, links, or elinks) : *pure Markdown* is simpler to read than complicated HTML full of javascript, images (or worse), 5. no external dependencies other than itself (and MathJax if you want to include it), 6. no spying, no logging, no external leaking of your pages (and [Google Analytics with a 1px beacon image](http://perso.crans.org/besson/beacon.html) can be included with an option, and unfortunately [rum.js from bitbucket hosting server](https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Publishing+a+Website+on+Bitbucket#PublishingaWebsiteonBitbucket-TechnicalFeaturesandLimitationsofthisFeature)), 7. an excellent support of [*MathJax*](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in [this example](example3.html) or [that one](example5.html), 8. and, the last but not the least, an *experimental* embedding of the awesome [SquirtFR](//lbesson.bitbucket.io/squirt) bookmarklet to read *as quickly as Lucky Luke*. ## Defaults ? But there is also have a few things you need to know before using it : 1. It might get slow for *long* pages (30000 lines seems to be too much), 2. a reduced support for browsers *without javascript* or *with javascript disabled* (the pages are still readable, but really ugly), 3. hosted on bitbucket, which is wonderful but might not be always available (~ 3 hours of maintenance every 6 months, as shown with a small screenshot below). <img style="align:center;margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;display:block;" src="bitbucket_maintenance.png" alt="Maintenance on bitbucket.org" title="Bitbucket.org annoucing a short maintenance" width="50%" /> ## Concretly Concretly, bitbucket is always *up*, *secured* and *quick* (oooh, and bitbucket is also awesome, completely free, and awesome too). Yeah, *bitbucket is so awesome* that I had to say it *twice*, you read it correctly. But if you prefer, feel free to download the project (with [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip)) and upload it somewhere on your own server, or locally on your machine. > ### A quick "thank you" to the initial project > My version of StrapDown.js is a fork of [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com), a cool project that kinda seems dead by now. ---- ## How to start using StrapDown.js ? **Just follow this short tutorial** : ### 1) [Default template to use](example0.html) *(you can click this to see it)* Create an empty file, save it to *mytext.html* (yes, '*.html*' as HTML, but you will write in Markdown in no time), and then copy and paste the following 5 lines : ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>A StrapDown.js template</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> ### Write here in Markdown rather than in HTML > This document is empty right now. Fill it out with awesome content ! </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example0"></script></body></html> ``` ### 2) [A first example](example1.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we show how to use some basic markup. ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>« My first test with StrapDown.js »</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example1"></script></body></html> ``` ### 3) [A second example](example2.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we embed two images, and describe a little more how cool is StrapDown.js ! We also use another theme (*united*). ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Awesome second example with StrapDown.js</title></head><body><textarea theme="united"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. ## What to say more Feel free to use it, redistribute it etc, *under the condition of the GPLv3 License*. ## Only for textual, simple documents StrapDown.js is *awesome* to quickly build nice-looking web pages, but it might not be efficient for anything more complicated, as it is really not designed for it. ## Add a picture ? With Markdown syntax, it's easy : ![GA|Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-38514290-14/example2.html "Thanks to ga-beacon"). ### An other one ? Alright, here comes the mighty Cthulhu ![Logo Squirt](../squirt/images/logo.png "Logo Cthulhu") ### A last one, because it's dangerous to go alone : ![Logo Take this from dotcore](../squirt/images/takethis.jpg "Logo «Take this» from dotcore") ## Add anything you want, it *might* work For instance, you can add use Google Analytics to monitor the page's activity, with including a piece of Javascript code, before *or* after closing the *textarea* tag. <script type="text/javascript"> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create','UA-38514290-14','lbesson.bitbucket.io'); ga('send','pageview'); </script> <noscript> The previous paragraph was supposed to include Google Analytics web monitoring tool, but hey, you are browsing without JavaScript enabled, what can I do for it ? <br/> Maybe you are using a text-only browser (w3m, links, elinks ? I love elinks !), or a 19th-century IE, or maybe you disabled JavaScript globally (which is kinda stupid) or site-by-site (with NoScript, as I do, which is brilliant, and safer). </noscript> ## That's it This was a brief overview, to show the basic use of [StrapDown.js](index.html). </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example2"></script></body></html> ``` ### 4) Last examples, with MathJax enabled StrapDown.js comes with an *easy* and *excellent* support of the incredible [MathJax](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in these three examples: [example n°3](example3.html) and [example n°4](example4.html), and [the last one](example5.html) which shows a new and quicker way to include MathJax (from StrapDown *v0.5*). ---- # Themes Only two themes from [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com "Original project's website") are pretty enough to be included : - cyborg, as used by *the page* you are reading ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/cyborg) for a complete demo), - and united (as used [here](example2.html)!), inspired from [ubuntu](https://www.ubuntu.com/) ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/united) for a demo). Maybe I will add some more, maybe ! ---- # Printing to a nice looking PDF? Rather than use the built-in *"Print to a PDF"* function of your browser, you should consider using [StrapDown2PDF](strapdown2pdf.html). It has an excellent support for Markdown markup. **Warning:** but the LaTeX / MathJax support is still limited. ---- # Cloning? As of now, StrapDown.js does **not** have it own git repository. And I don't want to, because it is cleaner to let it live on //lbesson.bitbucket.io/md. But, there, you can download this not up-to-date version of the *md* subdir of my [lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/src/master/md/) repository : [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip) (and [its PGP signature](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip.asc)). ---- # Future features or ideas - Maybe host it on a *CDN*, - More themes, - Hack something to force using local cached version of the script and stylesheets rather than download them every time ? - Any idea is most surely welcome! ---- # About ### Forged by [Lilian Besson](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson) ### Languages - Markdown; - JavaScript; - CSS 3. ### License This project is released under the **GPLv3 license**, for more details, take a look at the [LICENSE](http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html) file in the source. *Basically, that allow you to use all or part of the project for you own business.* ---- # StrapDown.js **StrapDown.js** is an awesome **on-the-fly** [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) to [HTML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML) [text processor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compiler). ## Features **StrapDown.js** is already pretty advanced, as you can see by yourself with this very page (powered by StrapDown.js of course). 1. *Directly write your documents in Markdown*, and let the browser do the boring *compilation* steps, 2. no need for CSS, theming or painful styling : *StrapDown.js* is already *friggin' beautiful*, and *responsive*, 3. *quick* and *secure*, thanks to *bitbucket* and its SSL support (even if the certificate is not valid for [https://lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://lbesson.bitbucket.io), it is still secure), 4. an almost perfect support for *text-only* browsers (as w3m, links, or elinks) : *pure Markdown* is simpler to read than complicated HTML full of javascript, images (or worse), 5. no external dependencies other than itself (and MathJax if you want to include it), 6. no spying, no logging, no external leaking of your pages (and [Google Analytics with a 1px beacon image](http://perso.crans.org/besson/beacon.html) can be included with an option, and unfortunately [rum.js from bitbucket hosting server](https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Publishing+a+Website+on+Bitbucket#PublishingaWebsiteonBitbucket-TechnicalFeaturesandLimitationsofthisFeature)), 7. an excellent support of [*MathJax*](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in [this example](example3.html) or [that one](example5.html), 8. and, the last but not the least, an *experimental* embedding of the awesome [SquirtFR](//lbesson.bitbucket.io/squirt) bookmarklet to read *as quickly as Lucky Luke*. ## Defaults ? But there is also have a few things you need to know before using it : 1. It might get slow for *long* pages (30000 lines seems to be too much), 2. a reduced support for browsers *without javascript* or *with javascript disabled* (the pages are still readable, but really ugly), 3. hosted on bitbucket, which is wonderful but might not be always available (~ 3 hours of maintenance every 6 months, as shown with a small screenshot below). <img style="align:center;margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;display:block;" src="bitbucket_maintenance.png" alt="Maintenance on bitbucket.org" title="Bitbucket.org annoucing a short maintenance" width="50%" /> ## Concretly Concretly, bitbucket is always *up*, *secured* and *quick* (oooh, and bitbucket is also awesome, completely free, and awesome too). Yeah, *bitbucket is so awesome* that I had to say it *twice*, you read it correctly. But if you prefer, feel free to download the project (with [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip)) and upload it somewhere on your own server, or locally on your machine. > ### A quick "thank you" to the initial project > My version of StrapDown.js is a fork of [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com), a cool project that kinda seems dead by now. ---- ## How to start using StrapDown.js ? **Just follow this short tutorial** : ### 1) [Default template to use](example0.html) *(you can click this to see it)* Create an empty file, save it to *mytext.html* (yes, '*.html*' as HTML, but you will write in Markdown in no time), and then copy and paste the following 5 lines : ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>A StrapDown.js template</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> ### Write here in Markdown rather than in HTML > This document is empty right now. Fill it out with awesome content ! </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example0"></script></body></html> ``` ### 2) [A first example](example1.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we show how to use some basic markup. ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>« My first test with StrapDown.js »</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example1"></script></body></html> ``` ### 3) [A second example](example2.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we embed two images, and describe a little more how cool is StrapDown.js ! We also use another theme (*united*). ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Awesome second example with StrapDown.js</title></head><body><textarea theme="united"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. ## What to say more Feel free to use it, redistribute it etc, *under the condition of the GPLv3 License*. ## Only for textual, simple documents StrapDown.js is *awesome* to quickly build nice-looking web pages, but it might not be efficient for anything more complicated, as it is really not designed for it. ## Add a picture ? With Markdown syntax, it's easy : ![GA|Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-38514290-14/example2.html "Thanks to ga-beacon"). ### An other one ? Alright, here comes the mighty Cthulhu ![Logo Squirt](../squirt/images/logo.png "Logo Cthulhu") ### A last one, because it's dangerous to go alone : ![Logo Take this from dotcore](../squirt/images/takethis.jpg "Logo «Take this» from dotcore") ## Add anything you want, it *might* work For instance, you can add use Google Analytics to monitor the page's activity, with including a piece of Javascript code, before *or* after closing the *textarea* tag. <script type="text/javascript"> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create','UA-38514290-14','lbesson.bitbucket.io'); ga('send','pageview'); </script> <noscript> The previous paragraph was supposed to include Google Analytics web monitoring tool, but hey, you are browsing without JavaScript enabled, what can I do for it ? <br/> Maybe you are using a text-only browser (w3m, links, elinks ? I love elinks !), or a 19th-century IE, or maybe you disabled JavaScript globally (which is kinda stupid) or site-by-site (with NoScript, as I do, which is brilliant, and safer). </noscript> ## That's it This was a brief overview, to show the basic use of [StrapDown.js](index.html). </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example2"></script></body></html> ``` ### 4) Last examples, with MathJax enabled StrapDown.js comes with an *easy* and *excellent* support of the incredible [MathJax](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in these three examples: [example n°3](example3.html) and [example n°4](example4.html), and [the last one](example5.html) which shows a new and quicker way to include MathJax (from StrapDown *v0.5*). ---- # Themes Only two themes from [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com "Original project's website") are pretty enough to be included : - cyborg, as used by *the page* you are reading ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/cyborg) for a complete demo), - and united (as used [here](example2.html)!), inspired from [ubuntu](https://www.ubuntu.com/) ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/united) for a demo). Maybe I will add some more, maybe ! ---- # Printing to a nice looking PDF? Rather than use the built-in *"Print to a PDF"* function of your browser, you should consider using [StrapDown2PDF](strapdown2pdf.html). It has an excellent support for Markdown markup. **Warning:** but the LaTeX / MathJax support is still limited. ---- # Cloning? As of now, StrapDown.js does **not** have it own git repository. And I don't want to, because it is cleaner to let it live on //lbesson.bitbucket.io/md. But, there, you can download this not up-to-date version of the *md* subdir of my [lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/src/master/md/) repository : [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip) (and [its PGP signature](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip.asc)). ---- # Future features or ideas - Maybe host it on a *CDN*, - More themes, - Hack something to force using local cached version of the script and stylesheets rather than download them every time ? - Any idea is most surely welcome! ---- # About ### Forged by [Lilian Besson](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson) ### Languages - Markdown; - JavaScript; - CSS 3. ### License This project is released under the **GPLv3 license**, for more details, take a look at the [LICENSE](http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html) file in the source. *Basically, that allow you to use all or part of the project for you own business.* ---- # StrapDown.js **StrapDown.js** is an awesome **on-the-fly** [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) to [HTML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML) [text processor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compiler). ## Features **StrapDown.js** is already pretty advanced, as you can see by yourself with this very page (powered by StrapDown.js of course). 1. *Directly write your documents in Markdown*, and let the browser do the boring *compilation* steps, 2. no need for CSS, theming or painful styling : *StrapDown.js* is already *friggin' beautiful*, and *responsive*, 3. *quick* and *secure*, thanks to *bitbucket* and its SSL support (even if the certificate is not valid for [https://lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://lbesson.bitbucket.io), it is still secure), 4. an almost perfect support for *text-only* browsers (as w3m, links, or elinks) : *pure Markdown* is simpler to read than complicated HTML full of javascript, images (or worse), 5. no external dependencies other than itself (and MathJax if you want to include it), 6. no spying, no logging, no external leaking of your pages (and [Google Analytics with a 1px beacon image](http://perso.crans.org/besson/beacon.html) can be included with an option, and unfortunately [rum.js from bitbucket hosting server](https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Publishing+a+Website+on+Bitbucket#PublishingaWebsiteonBitbucket-TechnicalFeaturesandLimitationsofthisFeature)), 7. an excellent support of [*MathJax*](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in [this example](example3.html) or [that one](example5.html), 8. and, the last but not the least, an *experimental* embedding of the awesome [SquirtFR](//lbesson.bitbucket.io/squirt) bookmarklet to read *as quickly as Lucky Luke*. ## Defaults ? But there is also have a few things you need to know before using it : 1. It might get slow for *long* pages (30000 lines seems to be too much), 2. a reduced support for browsers *without javascript* or *with javascript disabled* (the pages are still readable, but really ugly), 3. hosted on bitbucket, which is wonderful but might not be always available (~ 3 hours of maintenance every 6 months, as shown with a small screenshot below). <img style="align:center;margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;display:block;" src="bitbucket_maintenance.png" alt="Maintenance on bitbucket.org" title="Bitbucket.org annoucing a short maintenance" width="50%" /> ## Concretly Concretly, bitbucket is always *up*, *secured* and *quick* (oooh, and bitbucket is also awesome, completely free, and awesome too). Yeah, *bitbucket is so awesome* that I had to say it *twice*, you read it correctly. But if you prefer, feel free to download the project (with [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip)) and upload it somewhere on your own server, or locally on your machine. > ### A quick "thank you" to the initial project > My version of StrapDown.js is a fork of [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com), a cool project that kinda seems dead by now. ---- ## How to start using StrapDown.js ? **Just follow this short tutorial** : ### 1) [Default template to use](example0.html) *(you can click this to see it)* Create an empty file, save it to *mytext.html* (yes, '*.html*' as HTML, but you will write in Markdown in no time), and then copy and paste the following 5 lines : ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>A StrapDown.js template</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> ### Write here in Markdown rather than in HTML > This document is empty right now. Fill it out with awesome content ! </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example0"></script></body></html> ``` ### 2) [A first example](example1.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we show how to use some basic markup. ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>« My first test with StrapDown.js »</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example1"></script></body></html> ``` ### 3) [A second example](example2.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we embed two images, and describe a little more how cool is StrapDown.js ! We also use another theme (*united*). ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Awesome second example with StrapDown.js</title></head><body><textarea theme="united"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. ## What to say more Feel free to use it, redistribute it etc, *under the condition of the GPLv3 License*. ## Only for textual, simple documents StrapDown.js is *awesome* to quickly build nice-looking web pages, but it might not be efficient for anything more complicated, as it is really not designed for it. ## Add a picture ? With Markdown syntax, it's easy : ![GA|Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-38514290-14/example2.html "Thanks to ga-beacon"). ### An other one ? Alright, here comes the mighty Cthulhu ![Logo Squirt](../squirt/images/logo.png "Logo Cthulhu") ### A last one, because it's dangerous to go alone : ![Logo Take this from dotcore](../squirt/images/takethis.jpg "Logo «Take this» from dotcore") ## Add anything you want, it *might* work For instance, you can add use Google Analytics to monitor the page's activity, with including a piece of Javascript code, before *or* after closing the *textarea* tag. <script type="text/javascript"> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create','UA-38514290-14','lbesson.bitbucket.io'); ga('send','pageview'); </script> <noscript> The previous paragraph was supposed to include Google Analytics web monitoring tool, but hey, you are browsing without JavaScript enabled, what can I do for it ? <br/> Maybe you are using a text-only browser (w3m, links, elinks ? I love elinks !), or a 19th-century IE, or maybe you disabled JavaScript globally (which is kinda stupid) or site-by-site (with NoScript, as I do, which is brilliant, and safer). </noscript> ## That's it This was a brief overview, to show the basic use of [StrapDown.js](index.html). </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example2"></script></body></html> ``` ### 4) Last examples, with MathJax enabled StrapDown.js comes with an *easy* and *excellent* support of the incredible [MathJax](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in these three examples: [example n°3](example3.html) and [example n°4](example4.html), and [the last one](example5.html) which shows a new and quicker way to include MathJax (from StrapDown *v0.5*). ---- # Themes Only two themes from [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com "Original project's website") are pretty enough to be included : - cyborg, as used by *the page* you are reading ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/cyborg) for a complete demo), - and united (as used [here](example2.html)!), inspired from [ubuntu](https://www.ubuntu.com/) ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/united) for a demo). Maybe I will add some more, maybe ! ---- # Printing to a nice looking PDF? Rather than use the built-in *"Print to a PDF"* function of your browser, you should consider using [StrapDown2PDF](strapdown2pdf.html). It has an excellent support for Markdown markup. **Warning:** but the LaTeX / MathJax support is still limited. ---- # Cloning? As of now, StrapDown.js does **not** have it own git repository. And I don't want to, because it is cleaner to let it live on //lbesson.bitbucket.io/md. But, there, you can download this not up-to-date version of the *md* subdir of my [lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/src/master/md/) repository : [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip) (and [its PGP signature](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip.asc)). ---- # Future features or ideas - Maybe host it on a *CDN*, - More themes, - Hack something to force using local cached version of the script and stylesheets rather than download them every time ? - Any idea is most surely welcome! ---- # About ### Forged by [Lilian Besson](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson) ### Languages - Markdown; - JavaScript; - CSS 3. ### License This project is released under the **GPLv3 license**, for more details, take a look at the [LICENSE](http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html) file in the source. *Basically, that allow you to use all or part of the project for you own business.* ---- # StrapDown.js **StrapDown.js** is an awesome **on-the-fly** [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) to [HTML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML) [text processor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compiler). ## Features **StrapDown.js** is already pretty advanced, as you can see by yourself with this very page (powered by StrapDown.js of course). 1. *Directly write your documents in Markdown*, and let the browser do the boring *compilation* steps, 2. no need for CSS, theming or painful styling : *StrapDown.js* is already *friggin' beautiful*, and *responsive*, 3. *quick* and *secure*, thanks to *bitbucket* and its SSL support (even if the certificate is not valid for [https://lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://lbesson.bitbucket.io), it is still secure), 4. an almost perfect support for *text-only* browsers (as w3m, links, or elinks) : *pure Markdown* is simpler to read than complicated HTML full of javascript, images (or worse), 5. no external dependencies other than itself (and MathJax if you want to include it), 6. no spying, no logging, no external leaking of your pages (and [Google Analytics with a 1px beacon image](http://perso.crans.org/besson/beacon.html) can be included with an option, and unfortunately [rum.js from bitbucket hosting server](https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Publishing+a+Website+on+Bitbucket#PublishingaWebsiteonBitbucket-TechnicalFeaturesandLimitationsofthisFeature)), 7. an excellent support of [*MathJax*](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in [this example](example3.html) or [that one](example5.html), 8. and, the last but not the least, an *experimental* embedding of the awesome [SquirtFR](//lbesson.bitbucket.io/squirt) bookmarklet to read *as quickly as Lucky Luke*. ## Defaults ? But there is also have a few things you need to know before using it : 1. It might get slow for *long* pages (30000 lines seems to be too much), 2. a reduced support for browsers *without javascript* or *with javascript disabled* (the pages are still readable, but really ugly), 3. hosted on bitbucket, which is wonderful but might not be always available (~ 3 hours of maintenance every 6 months, as shown with a small screenshot below). <img style="align:center;margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;display:block;" src="bitbucket_maintenance.png" alt="Maintenance on bitbucket.org" title="Bitbucket.org annoucing a short maintenance" width="50%" /> ## Concretly Concretly, bitbucket is always *up*, *secured* and *quick* (oooh, and bitbucket is also awesome, completely free, and awesome too). Yeah, *bitbucket is so awesome* that I had to say it *twice*, you read it correctly. But if you prefer, feel free to download the project (with [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip)) and upload it somewhere on your own server, or locally on your machine. > ### A quick "thank you" to the initial project > My version of StrapDown.js is a fork of [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com), a cool project that kinda seems dead by now. ---- ## How to start using StrapDown.js ? **Just follow this short tutorial** : ### 1) [Default template to use](example0.html) *(you can click this to see it)* Create an empty file, save it to *mytext.html* (yes, '*.html*' as HTML, but you will write in Markdown in no time), and then copy and paste the following 5 lines : ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>A StrapDown.js template</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> ### Write here in Markdown rather than in HTML > This document is empty right now. Fill it out with awesome content ! </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example0"></script></body></html> ``` ### 2) [A first example](example1.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we show how to use some basic markup. ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>« My first test with StrapDown.js »</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example1"></script></body></html> ``` ### 3) [A second example](example2.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we embed two images, and describe a little more how cool is StrapDown.js ! We also use another theme (*united*). ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Awesome second example with StrapDown.js</title></head><body><textarea theme="united"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. ## What to say more Feel free to use it, redistribute it etc, *under the condition of the GPLv3 License*. ## Only for textual, simple documents StrapDown.js is *awesome* to quickly build nice-looking web pages, but it might not be efficient for anything more complicated, as it is really not designed for it. ## Add a picture ? With Markdown syntax, it's easy : ![GA|Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-38514290-14/example2.html "Thanks to ga-beacon"). ### An other one ? Alright, here comes the mighty Cthulhu ![Logo Squirt](../squirt/images/logo.png "Logo Cthulhu") ### A last one, because it's dangerous to go alone : ![Logo Take this from dotcore](../squirt/images/takethis.jpg "Logo «Take this» from dotcore") ## Add anything you want, it *might* work For instance, you can add use Google Analytics to monitor the page's activity, with including a piece of Javascript code, before *or* after closing the *textarea* tag. <script type="text/javascript"> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create','UA-38514290-14','lbesson.bitbucket.io'); ga('send','pageview'); </script> <noscript> The previous paragraph was supposed to include Google Analytics web monitoring tool, but hey, you are browsing without JavaScript enabled, what can I do for it ? <br/> Maybe you are using a text-only browser (w3m, links, elinks ? I love elinks !), or a 19th-century IE, or maybe you disabled JavaScript globally (which is kinda stupid) or site-by-site (with NoScript, as I do, which is brilliant, and safer). </noscript> ## That's it This was a brief overview, to show the basic use of [StrapDown.js](index.html). </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example2"></script></body></html> ``` ### 4) Last examples, with MathJax enabled StrapDown.js comes with an *easy* and *excellent* support of the incredible [MathJax](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in these three examples: [example n°3](example3.html) and [example n°4](example4.html), and [the last one](example5.html) which shows a new and quicker way to include MathJax (from StrapDown *v0.5*). ---- # Themes Only two themes from [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com "Original project's website") are pretty enough to be included : - cyborg, as used by *the page* you are reading ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/cyborg) for a complete demo), - and united (as used [here](example2.html)!), inspired from [ubuntu](https://www.ubuntu.com/) ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/united) for a demo). Maybe I will add some more, maybe ! ---- # Printing to a nice looking PDF? Rather than use the built-in *"Print to a PDF"* function of your browser, you should consider using [StrapDown2PDF](strapdown2pdf.html). It has an excellent support for Markdown markup. **Warning:** but the LaTeX / MathJax support is still limited. ---- # Cloning? As of now, StrapDown.js does **not** have it own git repository. And I don't want to, because it is cleaner to let it live on //lbesson.bitbucket.io/md. But, there, you can download this not up-to-date version of the *md* subdir of my [lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/src/master/md/) repository : [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip) (and [its PGP signature](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip.asc)). ---- # Future features or ideas - Maybe host it on a *CDN*, - More themes, - Hack something to force using local cached version of the script and stylesheets rather than download them every time ? - Any idea is most surely welcome! ---- # About ### Forged by [Lilian Besson](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson) ### Languages - Markdown; - JavaScript; - CSS 3. ### License This project is released under the **GPLv3 license**, for more details, take a look at the [LICENSE](http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html) file in the source. *Basically, that allow you to use all or part of the project for you own business.* ---- # StrapDown.js **StrapDown.js** is an awesome **on-the-fly** [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) to [HTML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML) [text processor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compiler). ## Features **StrapDown.js** is already pretty advanced, as you can see by yourself with this very page (powered by StrapDown.js of course). 1. *Directly write your documents in Markdown*, and let the browser do the boring *compilation* steps, 2. no need for CSS, theming or painful styling : *StrapDown.js* is already *friggin' beautiful*, and *responsive*, 3. *quick* and *secure*, thanks to *bitbucket* and its SSL support (even if the certificate is not valid for [https://lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://lbesson.bitbucket.io), it is still secure), 4. an almost perfect support for *text-only* browsers (as w3m, links, or elinks) : *pure Markdown* is simpler to read than complicated HTML full of javascript, images (or worse), 5. no external dependencies other than itself (and MathJax if you want to include it), 6. no spying, no logging, no external leaking of your pages (and [Google Analytics with a 1px beacon image](http://perso.crans.org/besson/beacon.html) can be included with an option, and unfortunately [rum.js from bitbucket hosting server](https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Publishing+a+Website+on+Bitbucket#PublishingaWebsiteonBitbucket-TechnicalFeaturesandLimitationsofthisFeature)), 7. an excellent support of [*MathJax*](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in [this example](example3.html) or [that one](example5.html), 8. and, the last but not the least, an *experimental* embedding of the awesome [SquirtFR](//lbesson.bitbucket.io/squirt) bookmarklet to read *as quickly as Lucky Luke*. ## Defaults ? But there is also have a few things you need to know before using it : 1. It might get slow for *long* pages (30000 lines seems to be too much), 2. a reduced support for browsers *without javascript* or *with javascript disabled* (the pages are still readable, but really ugly), 3. hosted on bitbucket, which is wonderful but might not be always available (~ 3 hours of maintenance every 6 months, as shown with a small screenshot below). <img style="align:center;margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;display:block;" src="bitbucket_maintenance.png" alt="Maintenance on bitbucket.org" title="Bitbucket.org annoucing a short maintenance" width="50%" /> ## Concretly Concretly, bitbucket is always *up*, *secured* and *quick* (oooh, and bitbucket is also awesome, completely free, and awesome too). Yeah, *bitbucket is so awesome* that I had to say it *twice*, you read it correctly. But if you prefer, feel free to download the project (with [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip)) and upload it somewhere on your own server, or locally on your machine. > ### A quick "thank you" to the initial project > My version of StrapDown.js is a fork of [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com), a cool project that kinda seems dead by now. ---- ## How to start using StrapDown.js ? **Just follow this short tutorial** : ### 1) [Default template to use](example0.html) *(you can click this to see it)* Create an empty file, save it to *mytext.html* (yes, '*.html*' as HTML, but you will write in Markdown in no time), and then copy and paste the following 5 lines : ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>A StrapDown.js template</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> ### Write here in Markdown rather than in HTML > This document is empty right now. Fill it out with awesome content ! </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example0"></script></body></html> ``` ### 2) [A first example](example1.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we show how to use some basic markup. ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>« My first test with StrapDown.js »</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example1"></script></body></html> ``` ### 3) [A second example](example2.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we embed two images, and describe a little more how cool is StrapDown.js ! We also use another theme (*united*). ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Awesome second example with StrapDown.js</title></head><body><textarea theme="united"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. ## What to say more Feel free to use it, redistribute it etc, *under the condition of the GPLv3 License*. ## Only for textual, simple documents StrapDown.js is *awesome* to quickly build nice-looking web pages, but it might not be efficient for anything more complicated, as it is really not designed for it. ## Add a picture ? With Markdown syntax, it's easy : ![GA|Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-38514290-14/example2.html "Thanks to ga-beacon"). ### An other one ? Alright, here comes the mighty Cthulhu ![Logo Squirt](../squirt/images/logo.png "Logo Cthulhu") ### A last one, because it's dangerous to go alone : ![Logo Take this from dotcore](../squirt/images/takethis.jpg "Logo «Take this» from dotcore") ## Add anything you want, it *might* work For instance, you can add use Google Analytics to monitor the page's activity, with including a piece of Javascript code, before *or* after closing the *textarea* tag. <script type="text/javascript"> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create','UA-38514290-14','lbesson.bitbucket.io'); ga('send','pageview'); </script> <noscript> The previous paragraph was supposed to include Google Analytics web monitoring tool, but hey, you are browsing without JavaScript enabled, what can I do for it ? <br/> Maybe you are using a text-only browser (w3m, links, elinks ? I love elinks !), or a 19th-century IE, or maybe you disabled JavaScript globally (which is kinda stupid) or site-by-site (with NoScript, as I do, which is brilliant, and safer). </noscript> ## That's it This was a brief overview, to show the basic use of [StrapDown.js](index.html). </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example2"></script></body></html> ``` ### 4) Last examples, with MathJax enabled StrapDown.js comes with an *easy* and *excellent* support of the incredible [MathJax](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in these three examples: [example n°3](example3.html) and [example n°4](example4.html), and [the last one](example5.html) which shows a new and quicker way to include MathJax (from StrapDown *v0.5*). ---- # Themes Only two themes from [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com "Original project's website") are pretty enough to be included : - cyborg, as used by *the page* you are reading ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/cyborg) for a complete demo), - and united (as used [here](example2.html)!), inspired from [ubuntu](https://www.ubuntu.com/) ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/united) for a demo). Maybe I will add some more, maybe ! ---- # Printing to a nice looking PDF? Rather than use the built-in *"Print to a PDF"* function of your browser, you should consider using [StrapDown2PDF](strapdown2pdf.html). It has an excellent support for Markdown markup. **Warning:** but the LaTeX / MathJax support is still limited. ---- # Cloning? As of now, StrapDown.js does **not** have it own git repository. And I don't want to, because it is cleaner to let it live on //lbesson.bitbucket.io/md. But, there, you can download this not up-to-date version of the *md* subdir of my [lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/src/master/md/) repository : [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip) (and [its PGP signature](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip.asc)). ---- # Future features or ideas - Maybe host it on a *CDN*, - More themes, - Hack something to force using local cached version of the script and stylesheets rather than download them every time ? - Any idea is most surely welcome! ---- # About ### Forged by [Lilian Besson](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson) ### Languages - Markdown; - JavaScript; - CSS 3. ### License This project is released under the **GPLv3 license**, for more details, take a look at the [LICENSE](http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html) file in the source. *Basically, that allow you to use all or part of the project for you own business.* ---- # StrapDown.js **StrapDown.js** is an awesome **on-the-fly** [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) to [HTML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML) [text processor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compiler). ## Features **StrapDown.js** is already pretty advanced, as you can see by yourself with this very page (powered by StrapDown.js of course). 1. *Directly write your documents in Markdown*, and let the browser do the boring *compilation* steps, 2. no need for CSS, theming or painful styling : *StrapDown.js* is already *friggin' beautiful*, and *responsive*, 3. *quick* and *secure*, thanks to *bitbucket* and its SSL support (even if the certificate is not valid for [https://lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://lbesson.bitbucket.io), it is still secure), 4. an almost perfect support for *text-only* browsers (as w3m, links, or elinks) : *pure Markdown* is simpler to read than complicated HTML full of javascript, images (or worse), 5. no external dependencies other than itself (and MathJax if you want to include it), 6. no spying, no logging, no external leaking of your pages (and [Google Analytics with a 1px beacon image](http://perso.crans.org/besson/beacon.html) can be included with an option, and unfortunately [rum.js from bitbucket hosting server](https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Publishing+a+Website+on+Bitbucket#PublishingaWebsiteonBitbucket-TechnicalFeaturesandLimitationsofthisFeature)), 7. an excellent support of [*MathJax*](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in [this example](example3.html) or [that one](example5.html), 8. and, the last but not the least, an *experimental* embedding of the awesome [SquirtFR](//lbesson.bitbucket.io/squirt) bookmarklet to read *as quickly as Lucky Luke*. ## Defaults ? But there is also have a few things you need to know before using it : 1. It might get slow for *long* pages (30000 lines seems to be too much), 2. a reduced support for browsers *without javascript* or *with javascript disabled* (the pages are still readable, but really ugly), 3. hosted on bitbucket, which is wonderful but might not be always available (~ 3 hours of maintenance every 6 months, as shown with a small screenshot below). <img style="align:center;margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;display:block;" src="bitbucket_maintenance.png" alt="Maintenance on bitbucket.org" title="Bitbucket.org annoucing a short maintenance" width="50%" /> ## Concretly Concretly, bitbucket is always *up*, *secured* and *quick* (oooh, and bitbucket is also awesome, completely free, and awesome too). Yeah, *bitbucket is so awesome* that I had to say it *twice*, you read it correctly. But if you prefer, feel free to download the project (with [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip)) and upload it somewhere on your own server, or locally on your machine. > ### A quick "thank you" to the initial project > My version of StrapDown.js is a fork of [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com), a cool project that kinda seems dead by now. ---- ## How to start using StrapDown.js ? **Just follow this short tutorial** : ### 1) [Default template to use](example0.html) *(you can click this to see it)* Create an empty file, save it to *mytext.html* (yes, '*.html*' as HTML, but you will write in Markdown in no time), and then copy and paste the following 5 lines : ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>A StrapDown.js template</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> ### Write here in Markdown rather than in HTML > This document is empty right now. Fill it out with awesome content ! </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example0"></script></body></html> ``` ### 2) [A first example](example1.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we show how to use some basic markup. ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>« My first test with StrapDown.js »</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example1"></script></body></html> ``` ### 3) [A second example](example2.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we embed two images, and describe a little more how cool is StrapDown.js ! We also use another theme (*united*). ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Awesome second example with StrapDown.js</title></head><body><textarea theme="united"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. ## What to say more Feel free to use it, redistribute it etc, *under the condition of the GPLv3 License*. ## Only for textual, simple documents StrapDown.js is *awesome* to quickly build nice-looking web pages, but it might not be efficient for anything more complicated, as it is really not designed for it. ## Add a picture ? With Markdown syntax, it's easy : ![GA|Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-38514290-14/example2.html "Thanks to ga-beacon"). ### An other one ? Alright, here comes the mighty Cthulhu ![Logo Squirt](../squirt/images/logo.png "Logo Cthulhu") ### A last one, because it's dangerous to go alone : ![Logo Take this from dotcore](../squirt/images/takethis.jpg "Logo «Take this» from dotcore") ## Add anything you want, it *might* work For instance, you can add use Google Analytics to monitor the page's activity, with including a piece of Javascript code, before *or* after closing the *textarea* tag. <script type="text/javascript"> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create','UA-38514290-14','lbesson.bitbucket.io'); ga('send','pageview'); </script> <noscript> The previous paragraph was supposed to include Google Analytics web monitoring tool, but hey, you are browsing without JavaScript enabled, what can I do for it ? <br/> Maybe you are using a text-only browser (w3m, links, elinks ? I love elinks !), or a 19th-century IE, or maybe you disabled JavaScript globally (which is kinda stupid) or site-by-site (with NoScript, as I do, which is brilliant, and safer). </noscript> ## That's it This was a brief overview, to show the basic use of [StrapDown.js](index.html). </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example2"></script></body></html> ``` ### 4) Last examples, with MathJax enabled StrapDown.js comes with an *easy* and *excellent* support of the incredible [MathJax](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in these three examples: [example n°3](example3.html) and [example n°4](example4.html), and [the last one](example5.html) which shows a new and quicker way to include MathJax (from StrapDown *v0.5*). ---- # Themes Only two themes from [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com "Original project's website") are pretty enough to be included : - cyborg, as used by *the page* you are reading ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/cyborg) for a complete demo), - and united (as used [here](example2.html)!), inspired from [ubuntu](https://www.ubuntu.com/) ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/united) for a demo). Maybe I will add some more, maybe ! ---- # Printing to a nice looking PDF? Rather than use the built-in *"Print to a PDF"* function of your browser, you should consider using [StrapDown2PDF](strapdown2pdf.html). It has an excellent support for Markdown markup. **Warning:** but the LaTeX / MathJax support is still limited. ---- # Cloning? As of now, StrapDown.js does **not** have it own git repository. And I don't want to, because it is cleaner to let it live on //lbesson.bitbucket.io/md. But, there, you can download this not up-to-date version of the *md* subdir of my [lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/src/master/md/) repository : [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip) (and [its PGP signature](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip.asc)). ---- # Future features or ideas - Maybe host it on a *CDN*, - More themes, - Hack something to force using local cached version of the script and stylesheets rather than download them every time ? - Any idea is most surely welcome! ---- # About ### Forged by [Lilian Besson](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson) ### Languages - Markdown; - JavaScript; - CSS 3. ### License This project is released under the **GPLv3 license**, for more details, take a look at the [LICENSE](http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html) file in the source. *Basically, that allow you to use all or part of the project for you own business.* ---- # StrapDown.js **StrapDown.js** is an awesome **on-the-fly** [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) to [HTML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML) [text processor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compiler). ## Features **StrapDown.js** is already pretty advanced, as you can see by yourself with this very page (powered by StrapDown.js of course). 1. *Directly write your documents in Markdown*, and let the browser do the boring *compilation* steps, 2. no need for CSS, theming or painful styling : *StrapDown.js* is already *friggin' beautiful*, and *responsive*, 3. *quick* and *secure*, thanks to *bitbucket* and its SSL support (even if the certificate is not valid for [https://lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://lbesson.bitbucket.io), it is still secure), 4. an almost perfect support for *text-only* browsers (as w3m, links, or elinks) : *pure Markdown* is simpler to read than complicated HTML full of javascript, images (or worse), 5. no external dependencies other than itself (and MathJax if you want to include it), 6. no spying, no logging, no external leaking of your pages (and [Google Analytics with a 1px beacon image](http://perso.crans.org/besson/beacon.html) can be included with an option, and unfortunately [rum.js from bitbucket hosting server](https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Publishing+a+Website+on+Bitbucket#PublishingaWebsiteonBitbucket-TechnicalFeaturesandLimitationsofthisFeature)), 7. an excellent support of [*MathJax*](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in [this example](example3.html) or [that one](example5.html), 8. and, the last but not the least, an *experimental* embedding of the awesome [SquirtFR](//lbesson.bitbucket.io/squirt) bookmarklet to read *as quickly as Lucky Luke*. ## Defaults ? But there is also have a few things you need to know before using it : 1. It might get slow for *long* pages (30000 lines seems to be too much), 2. a reduced support for browsers *without javascript* or *with javascript disabled* (the pages are still readable, but really ugly), 3. hosted on bitbucket, which is wonderful but might not be always available (~ 3 hours of maintenance every 6 months, as shown with a small screenshot below). <img style="align:center;margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;display:block;" src="bitbucket_maintenance.png" alt="Maintenance on bitbucket.org" title="Bitbucket.org annoucing a short maintenance" width="50%" /> ## Concretly Concretly, bitbucket is always *up*, *secured* and *quick* (oooh, and bitbucket is also awesome, completely free, and awesome too). Yeah, *bitbucket is so awesome* that I had to say it *twice*, you read it correctly. But if you prefer, feel free to download the project (with [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip)) and upload it somewhere on your own server, or locally on your machine. > ### A quick "thank you" to the initial project > My version of StrapDown.js is a fork of [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com), a cool project that kinda seems dead by now. ---- ## How to start using StrapDown.js ? **Just follow this short tutorial** : ### 1) [Default template to use](example0.html) *(you can click this to see it)* Create an empty file, save it to *mytext.html* (yes, '*.html*' as HTML, but you will write in Markdown in no time), and then copy and paste the following 5 lines : ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>A StrapDown.js template</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> ### Write here in Markdown rather than in HTML > This document is empty right now. Fill it out with awesome content ! </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example0"></script></body></html> ``` ### 2) [A first example](example1.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we show how to use some basic markup. ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>« My first test with StrapDown.js »</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example1"></script></body></html> ``` ### 3) [A second example](example2.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we embed two images, and describe a little more how cool is StrapDown.js ! We also use another theme (*united*). ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Awesome second example with StrapDown.js</title></head><body><textarea theme="united"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. ## What to say more Feel free to use it, redistribute it etc, *under the condition of the GPLv3 License*. ## Only for textual, simple documents StrapDown.js is *awesome* to quickly build nice-looking web pages, but it might not be efficient for anything more complicated, as it is really not designed for it. ## Add a picture ? With Markdown syntax, it's easy : ![GA|Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-38514290-14/example2.html "Thanks to ga-beacon"). ### An other one ? Alright, here comes the mighty Cthulhu ![Logo Squirt](../squirt/images/logo.png "Logo Cthulhu") ### A last one, because it's dangerous to go alone : ![Logo Take this from dotcore](../squirt/images/takethis.jpg "Logo «Take this» from dotcore") ## Add anything you want, it *might* work For instance, you can add use Google Analytics to monitor the page's activity, with including a piece of Javascript code, before *or* after closing the *textarea* tag. <script type="text/javascript"> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create','UA-38514290-14','lbesson.bitbucket.io'); ga('send','pageview'); </script> <noscript> The previous paragraph was supposed to include Google Analytics web monitoring tool, but hey, you are browsing without JavaScript enabled, what can I do for it ? <br/> Maybe you are using a text-only browser (w3m, links, elinks ? I love elinks !), or a 19th-century IE, or maybe you disabled JavaScript globally (which is kinda stupid) or site-by-site (with NoScript, as I do, which is brilliant, and safer). </noscript> ## That's it This was a brief overview, to show the basic use of [StrapDown.js](index.html). </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example2"></script></body></html> ``` ### 4) Last examples, with MathJax enabled StrapDown.js comes with an *easy* and *excellent* support of the incredible [MathJax](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in these three examples: [example n°3](example3.html) and [example n°4](example4.html), and [the last one](example5.html) which shows a new and quicker way to include MathJax (from StrapDown *v0.5*). ---- # Themes Only two themes from [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com "Original project's website") are pretty enough to be included : - cyborg, as used by *the page* you are reading ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/cyborg) for a complete demo), - and united (as used [here](example2.html)!), inspired from [ubuntu](https://www.ubuntu.com/) ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/united) for a demo). Maybe I will add some more, maybe ! ---- # Printing to a nice looking PDF? Rather than use the built-in *"Print to a PDF"* function of your browser, you should consider using [StrapDown2PDF](strapdown2pdf.html). It has an excellent support for Markdown markup. **Warning:** but the LaTeX / MathJax support is still limited. ---- # Cloning? As of now, StrapDown.js does **not** have it own git repository. And I don't want to, because it is cleaner to let it live on //lbesson.bitbucket.io/md. But, there, you can download this not up-to-date version of the *md* subdir of my [lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/src/master/md/) repository : [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip) (and [its PGP signature](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip.asc)). ---- # Future features or ideas - Maybe host it on a *CDN*, - More themes, - Hack something to force using local cached version of the script and stylesheets rather than download them every time ? - Any idea is most surely welcome! ---- # About ### Forged by [Lilian Besson](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson) ### Languages - Markdown; - JavaScript; - CSS 3. ### License This project is released under the **GPLv3 license**, for more details, take a look at the [LICENSE](http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html) file in the source. *Basically, that allow you to use all or part of the project for you own business.* ---- # StrapDown.js **StrapDown.js** is an awesome **on-the-fly** [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) to [HTML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML) [text processor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compiler). ## Features **StrapDown.js** is already pretty advanced, as you can see by yourself with this very page (powered by StrapDown.js of course). 1. *Directly write your documents in Markdown*, and let the browser do the boring *compilation* steps, 2. no need for CSS, theming or painful styling : *StrapDown.js* is already *friggin' beautiful*, and *responsive*, 3. *quick* and *secure*, thanks to *bitbucket* and its SSL support (even if the certificate is not valid for [https://lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://lbesson.bitbucket.io), it is still secure), 4. an almost perfect support for *text-only* browsers (as w3m, links, or elinks) : *pure Markdown* is simpler to read than complicated HTML full of javascript, images (or worse), 5. no external dependencies other than itself (and MathJax if you want to include it), 6. no spying, no logging, no external leaking of your pages (and [Google Analytics with a 1px beacon image](http://perso.crans.org/besson/beacon.html) can be included with an option, and unfortunately [rum.js from bitbucket hosting server](https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Publishing+a+Website+on+Bitbucket#PublishingaWebsiteonBitbucket-TechnicalFeaturesandLimitationsofthisFeature)), 7. an excellent support of [*MathJax*](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in [this example](example3.html) or [that one](example5.html), 8. and, the last but not the least, an *experimental* embedding of the awesome [SquirtFR](//lbesson.bitbucket.io/squirt) bookmarklet to read *as quickly as Lucky Luke*. ## Defaults ? But there is also have a few things you need to know before using it : 1. It might get slow for *long* pages (30000 lines seems to be too much), 2. a reduced support for browsers *without javascript* or *with javascript disabled* (the pages are still readable, but really ugly), 3. hosted on bitbucket, which is wonderful but might not be always available (~ 3 hours of maintenance every 6 months, as shown with a small screenshot below). <img style="align:center;margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;display:block;" src="bitbucket_maintenance.png" alt="Maintenance on bitbucket.org" title="Bitbucket.org annoucing a short maintenance" width="50%" /> ## Concretly Concretly, bitbucket is always *up*, *secured* and *quick* (oooh, and bitbucket is also awesome, completely free, and awesome too). Yeah, *bitbucket is so awesome* that I had to say it *twice*, you read it correctly. But if you prefer, feel free to download the project (with [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip)) and upload it somewhere on your own server, or locally on your machine. > ### A quick "thank you" to the initial project > My version of StrapDown.js is a fork of [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com), a cool project that kinda seems dead by now. ---- ## How to start using StrapDown.js ? **Just follow this short tutorial** : ### 1) [Default template to use](example0.html) *(you can click this to see it)* Create an empty file, save it to *mytext.html* (yes, '*.html*' as HTML, but you will write in Markdown in no time), and then copy and paste the following 5 lines : ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>A StrapDown.js template</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> ### Write here in Markdown rather than in HTML > This document is empty right now. Fill it out with awesome content ! </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example0"></script></body></html> ``` ### 2) [A first example](example1.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we show how to use some basic markup. ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>« My first test with StrapDown.js »</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example1"></script></body></html> ``` ### 3) [A second example](example2.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we embed two images, and describe a little more how cool is StrapDown.js ! We also use another theme (*united*). ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Awesome second example with StrapDown.js</title></head><body><textarea theme="united"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. ## What to say more Feel free to use it, redistribute it etc, *under the condition of the GPLv3 License*. ## Only for textual, simple documents StrapDown.js is *awesome* to quickly build nice-looking web pages, but it might not be efficient for anything more complicated, as it is really not designed for it. ## Add a picture ? With Markdown syntax, it's easy : ![GA|Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-38514290-14/example2.html "Thanks to ga-beacon"). ### An other one ? Alright, here comes the mighty Cthulhu ![Logo Squirt](../squirt/images/logo.png "Logo Cthulhu") ### A last one, because it's dangerous to go alone : ![Logo Take this from dotcore](../squirt/images/takethis.jpg "Logo «Take this» from dotcore") ## Add anything you want, it *might* work For instance, you can add use Google Analytics to monitor the page's activity, with including a piece of Javascript code, before *or* after closing the *textarea* tag. <script type="text/javascript"> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create','UA-38514290-14','lbesson.bitbucket.io'); ga('send','pageview'); </script> <noscript> The previous paragraph was supposed to include Google Analytics web monitoring tool, but hey, you are browsing without JavaScript enabled, what can I do for it ? <br/> Maybe you are using a text-only browser (w3m, links, elinks ? I love elinks !), or a 19th-century IE, or maybe you disabled JavaScript globally (which is kinda stupid) or site-by-site (with NoScript, as I do, which is brilliant, and safer). </noscript> ## That's it This was a brief overview, to show the basic use of [StrapDown.js](index.html). </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example2"></script></body></html> ``` ### 4) Last examples, with MathJax enabled StrapDown.js comes with an *easy* and *excellent* support of the incredible [MathJax](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in these three examples: [example n°3](example3.html) and [example n°4](example4.html), and [the last one](example5.html) which shows a new and quicker way to include MathJax (from StrapDown *v0.5*). ---- # Themes Only two themes from [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com "Original project's website") are pretty enough to be included : - cyborg, as used by *the page* you are reading ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/cyborg) for a complete demo), - and united (as used [here](example2.html)!), inspired from [ubuntu](https://www.ubuntu.com/) ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/united) for a demo). Maybe I will add some more, maybe ! ---- # Printing to a nice looking PDF? Rather than use the built-in *"Print to a PDF"* function of your browser, you should consider using [StrapDown2PDF](strapdown2pdf.html). It has an excellent support for Markdown markup. **Warning:** but the LaTeX / MathJax support is still limited. ---- # Cloning? As of now, StrapDown.js does **not** have it own git repository. And I don't want to, because it is cleaner to let it live on //lbesson.bitbucket.io/md. But, there, you can download this not up-to-date version of the *md* subdir of my [lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/src/master/md/) repository : [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip) (and [its PGP signature](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip.asc)). ---- # Future features or ideas - Maybe host it on a *CDN*, - More themes, - Hack something to force using local cached version of the script and stylesheets rather than download them every time ? - Any idea is most surely welcome! ---- # About ### Forged by [Lilian Besson](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson) ### Languages - Markdown; - JavaScript; - CSS 3. ### License This project is released under the **GPLv3 license**, for more details, take a look at the [LICENSE](http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html) file in the source. *Basically, that allow you to use all or part of the project for you own business.* ---- # StrapDown.js **StrapDown.js** is an awesome **on-the-fly** [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) to [HTML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML) [text processor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compiler). ## Features **StrapDown.js** is already pretty advanced, as you can see by yourself with this very page (powered by StrapDown.js of course). 1. *Directly write your documents in Markdown*, and let the browser do the boring *compilation* steps, 2. no need for CSS, theming or painful styling : *StrapDown.js* is already *friggin' beautiful*, and *responsive*, 3. *quick* and *secure*, thanks to *bitbucket* and its SSL support (even if the certificate is not valid for [https://lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://lbesson.bitbucket.io), it is still secure), 4. an almost perfect support for *text-only* browsers (as w3m, links, or elinks) : *pure Markdown* is simpler to read than complicated HTML full of javascript, images (or worse), 5. no external dependencies other than itself (and MathJax if you want to include it), 6. no spying, no logging, no external leaking of your pages (and [Google Analytics with a 1px beacon image](http://perso.crans.org/besson/beacon.html) can be included with an option, and unfortunately [rum.js from bitbucket hosting server](https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Publishing+a+Website+on+Bitbucket#PublishingaWebsiteonBitbucket-TechnicalFeaturesandLimitationsofthisFeature)), 7. an excellent support of [*MathJax*](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in [this example](example3.html) or [that one](example5.html), 8. and, the last but not the least, an *experimental* embedding of the awesome [SquirtFR](//lbesson.bitbucket.io/squirt) bookmarklet to read *as quickly as Lucky Luke*. ## Defaults ? But there is also have a few things you need to know before using it : 1. It might get slow for *long* pages (30000 lines seems to be too much), 2. a reduced support for browsers *without javascript* or *with javascript disabled* (the pages are still readable, but really ugly), 3. hosted on bitbucket, which is wonderful but might not be always available (~ 3 hours of maintenance every 6 months, as shown with a small screenshot below). <img style="align:center;margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;display:block;" src="bitbucket_maintenance.png" alt="Maintenance on bitbucket.org" title="Bitbucket.org annoucing a short maintenance" width="50%" /> ## Concretly Concretly, bitbucket is always *up*, *secured* and *quick* (oooh, and bitbucket is also awesome, completely free, and awesome too). Yeah, *bitbucket is so awesome* that I had to say it *twice*, you read it correctly. But if you prefer, feel free to download the project (with [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip)) and upload it somewhere on your own server, or locally on your machine. > ### A quick "thank you" to the initial project > My version of StrapDown.js is a fork of [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com), a cool project that kinda seems dead by now. ---- ## How to start using StrapDown.js ? **Just follow this short tutorial** : ### 1) [Default template to use](example0.html) *(you can click this to see it)* Create an empty file, save it to *mytext.html* (yes, '*.html*' as HTML, but you will write in Markdown in no time), and then copy and paste the following 5 lines : ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>A StrapDown.js template</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> ### Write here in Markdown rather than in HTML > This document is empty right now. Fill it out with awesome content ! </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example0"></script></body></html> ``` ### 2) [A first example](example1.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we show how to use some basic markup. ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>« My first test with StrapDown.js »</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example1"></script></body></html> ``` ### 3) [A second example](example2.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we embed two images, and describe a little more how cool is StrapDown.js ! We also use another theme (*united*). ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Awesome second example with StrapDown.js</title></head><body><textarea theme="united"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. ## What to say more Feel free to use it, redistribute it etc, *under the condition of the GPLv3 License*. ## Only for textual, simple documents StrapDown.js is *awesome* to quickly build nice-looking web pages, but it might not be efficient for anything more complicated, as it is really not designed for it. ## Add a picture ? With Markdown syntax, it's easy : ![GA|Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-38514290-14/example2.html "Thanks to ga-beacon"). ### An other one ? Alright, here comes the mighty Cthulhu ![Logo Squirt](../squirt/images/logo.png "Logo Cthulhu") ### A last one, because it's dangerous to go alone : ![Logo Take this from dotcore](../squirt/images/takethis.jpg "Logo «Take this» from dotcore") ## Add anything you want, it *might* work For instance, you can add use Google Analytics to monitor the page's activity, with including a piece of Javascript code, before *or* after closing the *textarea* tag. <script type="text/javascript"> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create','UA-38514290-14','lbesson.bitbucket.io'); ga('send','pageview'); </script> <noscript> The previous paragraph was supposed to include Google Analytics web monitoring tool, but hey, you are browsing without JavaScript enabled, what can I do for it ? <br/> Maybe you are using a text-only browser (w3m, links, elinks ? I love elinks !), or a 19th-century IE, or maybe you disabled JavaScript globally (which is kinda stupid) or site-by-site (with NoScript, as I do, which is brilliant, and safer). </noscript> ## That's it This was a brief overview, to show the basic use of [StrapDown.js](index.html). </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example2"></script></body></html> ``` ### 4) Last examples, with MathJax enabled StrapDown.js comes with an *easy* and *excellent* support of the incredible [MathJax](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in these three examples: [example n°3](example3.html) and [example n°4](example4.html), and [the last one](example5.html) which shows a new and quicker way to include MathJax (from StrapDown *v0.5*). ---- # Themes Only two themes from [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com "Original project's website") are pretty enough to be included : - cyborg, as used by *the page* you are reading ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/cyborg) for a complete demo), - and united (as used [here](example2.html)!), inspired from [ubuntu](https://www.ubuntu.com/) ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/united) for a demo). Maybe I will add some more, maybe ! ---- # Printing to a nice looking PDF? Rather than use the built-in *"Print to a PDF"* function of your browser, you should consider using [StrapDown2PDF](strapdown2pdf.html). It has an excellent support for Markdown markup. **Warning:** but the LaTeX / MathJax support is still limited. ---- # Cloning? As of now, StrapDown.js does **not** have it own git repository. And I don't want to, because it is cleaner to let it live on //lbesson.bitbucket.io/md. But, there, you can download this not up-to-date version of the *md* subdir of my [lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/src/master/md/) repository : [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip) (and [its PGP signature](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip.asc)). ---- # Future features or ideas - Maybe host it on a *CDN*, - More themes, - Hack something to force using local cached version of the script and stylesheets rather than download them every time ? - Any idea is most surely welcome! ---- # About ### Forged by [Lilian Besson](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson) ### Languages - Markdown; - JavaScript; - CSS 3. ### License This project is released under the **GPLv3 license**, for more details, take a look at the [LICENSE](http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html) file in the source. *Basically, that allow you to use all or part of the project for you own business.* ---- # StrapDown.js **StrapDown.js** is an awesome **on-the-fly** [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) to [HTML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML) [text processor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compiler). ## Features **StrapDown.js** is already pretty advanced, as you can see by yourself with this very page (powered by StrapDown.js of course). 1. *Directly write your documents in Markdown*, and let the browser do the boring *compilation* steps, 2. no need for CSS, theming or painful styling : *StrapDown.js* is already *friggin' beautiful*, and *responsive*, 3. *quick* and *secure*, thanks to *bitbucket* and its SSL support (even if the certificate is not valid for [https://lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://lbesson.bitbucket.io), it is still secure), 4. an almost perfect support for *text-only* browsers (as w3m, links, or elinks) : *pure Markdown* is simpler to read than complicated HTML full of javascript, images (or worse), 5. no external dependencies other than itself (and MathJax if you want to include it), 6. no spying, no logging, no external leaking of your pages (and [Google Analytics with a 1px beacon image](http://perso.crans.org/besson/beacon.html) can be included with an option, and unfortunately [rum.js from bitbucket hosting server](https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Publishing+a+Website+on+Bitbucket#PublishingaWebsiteonBitbucket-TechnicalFeaturesandLimitationsofthisFeature)), 7. an excellent support of [*MathJax*](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in [this example](example3.html) or [that one](example5.html), 8. and, the last but not the least, an *experimental* embedding of the awesome [SquirtFR](//lbesson.bitbucket.io/squirt) bookmarklet to read *as quickly as Lucky Luke*. ## Defaults ? But there is also have a few things you need to know before using it : 1. It might get slow for *long* pages (30000 lines seems to be too much), 2. a reduced support for browsers *without javascript* or *with javascript disabled* (the pages are still readable, but really ugly), 3. hosted on bitbucket, which is wonderful but might not be always available (~ 3 hours of maintenance every 6 months, as shown with a small screenshot below). <img style="align:center;margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;display:block;" src="bitbucket_maintenance.png" alt="Maintenance on bitbucket.org" title="Bitbucket.org annoucing a short maintenance" width="50%" /> ## Concretly Concretly, bitbucket is always *up*, *secured* and *quick* (oooh, and bitbucket is also awesome, completely free, and awesome too). Yeah, *bitbucket is so awesome* that I had to say it *twice*, you read it correctly. But if you prefer, feel free to download the project (with [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip)) and upload it somewhere on your own server, or locally on your machine. > ### A quick "thank you" to the initial project > My version of StrapDown.js is a fork of [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com), a cool project that kinda seems dead by now. ---- ## How to start using StrapDown.js ? **Just follow this short tutorial** : ### 1) [Default template to use](example0.html) *(you can click this to see it)* Create an empty file, save it to *mytext.html* (yes, '*.html*' as HTML, but you will write in Markdown in no time), and then copy and paste the following 5 lines : ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>A StrapDown.js template</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> ### Write here in Markdown rather than in HTML > This document is empty right now. Fill it out with awesome content ! </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example0"></script></body></html> ``` ### 2) [A first example](example1.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we show how to use some basic markup. ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>« My first test with StrapDown.js »</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example1"></script></body></html> ``` ### 3) [A second example](example2.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we embed two images, and describe a little more how cool is StrapDown.js ! We also use another theme (*united*). ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Awesome second example with StrapDown.js</title></head><body><textarea theme="united"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. ## What to say more Feel free to use it, redistribute it etc, *under the condition of the GPLv3 License*. ## Only for textual, simple documents StrapDown.js is *awesome* to quickly build nice-looking web pages, but it might not be efficient for anything more complicated, as it is really not designed for it. ## Add a picture ? With Markdown syntax, it's easy : ![GA|Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-38514290-14/example2.html "Thanks to ga-beacon"). ### An other one ? Alright, here comes the mighty Cthulhu ![Logo Squirt](../squirt/images/logo.png "Logo Cthulhu") ### A last one, because it's dangerous to go alone : ![Logo Take this from dotcore](../squirt/images/takethis.jpg "Logo «Take this» from dotcore") ## Add anything you want, it *might* work For instance, you can add use Google Analytics to monitor the page's activity, with including a piece of Javascript code, before *or* after closing the *textarea* tag. <script type="text/javascript"> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create','UA-38514290-14','lbesson.bitbucket.io'); ga('send','pageview'); </script> <noscript> The previous paragraph was supposed to include Google Analytics web monitoring tool, but hey, you are browsing without JavaScript enabled, what can I do for it ? <br/> Maybe you are using a text-only browser (w3m, links, elinks ? I love elinks !), or a 19th-century IE, or maybe you disabled JavaScript globally (which is kinda stupid) or site-by-site (with NoScript, as I do, which is brilliant, and safer). </noscript> ## That's it This was a brief overview, to show the basic use of [StrapDown.js](index.html). </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example2"></script></body></html> ``` ### 4) Last examples, with MathJax enabled StrapDown.js comes with an *easy* and *excellent* support of the incredible [MathJax](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in these three examples: [example n°3](example3.html) and [example n°4](example4.html), and [the last one](example5.html) which shows a new and quicker way to include MathJax (from StrapDown *v0.5*). ---- # Themes Only two themes from [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com "Original project's website") are pretty enough to be included : - cyborg, as used by *the page* you are reading ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/cyborg) for a complete demo), - and united (as used [here](example2.html)!), inspired from [ubuntu](https://www.ubuntu.com/) ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/united) for a demo). Maybe I will add some more, maybe ! ---- # Printing to a nice looking PDF? Rather than use the built-in *"Print to a PDF"* function of your browser, you should consider using [StrapDown2PDF](strapdown2pdf.html). It has an excellent support for Markdown markup. **Warning:** but the LaTeX / MathJax support is still limited. ---- # Cloning? As of now, StrapDown.js does **not** have it own git repository. And I don't want to, because it is cleaner to let it live on //lbesson.bitbucket.io/md. But, there, you can download this not up-to-date version of the *md* subdir of my [lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/src/master/md/) repository : [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip) (and [its PGP signature](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip.asc)). ---- # Future features or ideas - Maybe host it on a *CDN*, - More themes, - Hack something to force using local cached version of the script and stylesheets rather than download them every time ? - Any idea is most surely welcome! ---- # About ### Forged by [Lilian Besson](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson) ### Languages - Markdown; - JavaScript; - CSS 3. ### License This project is released under the **GPLv3 license**, for more details, take a look at the [LICENSE](http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html) file in the source. *Basically, that allow you to use all or part of the project for you own business.* ---- # StrapDown.js **StrapDown.js** is an awesome **on-the-fly** [Markdown](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Markdown) to [HTML](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTML) [text processor](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Compiler). ## Features **StrapDown.js** is already pretty advanced, as you can see by yourself with this very page (powered by StrapDown.js of course). 1. *Directly write your documents in Markdown*, and let the browser do the boring *compilation* steps, 2. no need for CSS, theming or painful styling : *StrapDown.js* is already *friggin' beautiful*, and *responsive*, 3. *quick* and *secure*, thanks to *bitbucket* and its SSL support (even if the certificate is not valid for [https://lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://lbesson.bitbucket.io), it is still secure), 4. an almost perfect support for *text-only* browsers (as w3m, links, or elinks) : *pure Markdown* is simpler to read than complicated HTML full of javascript, images (or worse), 5. no external dependencies other than itself (and MathJax if you want to include it), 6. no spying, no logging, no external leaking of your pages (and [Google Analytics with a 1px beacon image](http://perso.crans.org/besson/beacon.html) can be included with an option, and unfortunately [rum.js from bitbucket hosting server](https://confluence.atlassian.com/display/BITBUCKET/Publishing+a+Website+on+Bitbucket#PublishingaWebsiteonBitbucket-TechnicalFeaturesandLimitationsofthisFeature)), 7. an excellent support of [*MathJax*](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in [this example](example3.html) or [that one](example5.html), 8. and, the last but not the least, an *experimental* embedding of the awesome [SquirtFR](//lbesson.bitbucket.io/squirt) bookmarklet to read *as quickly as Lucky Luke*. ## Defaults ? But there is also have a few things you need to know before using it : 1. It might get slow for *long* pages (30000 lines seems to be too much), 2. a reduced support for browsers *without javascript* or *with javascript disabled* (the pages are still readable, but really ugly), 3. hosted on bitbucket, which is wonderful but might not be always available (~ 3 hours of maintenance every 6 months, as shown with a small screenshot below). <img style="align:center;margin-right:auto;margin-left:auto;display:block;" src="bitbucket_maintenance.png" alt="Maintenance on bitbucket.org" title="Bitbucket.org annoucing a short maintenance" width="50%" /> ## Concretly Concretly, bitbucket is always *up*, *secured* and *quick* (oooh, and bitbucket is also awesome, completely free, and awesome too). Yeah, *bitbucket is so awesome* that I had to say it *twice*, you read it correctly. But if you prefer, feel free to download the project (with [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip)) and upload it somewhere on your own server, or locally on your machine. > ### A quick "thank you" to the initial project > My version of StrapDown.js is a fork of [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com), a cool project that kinda seems dead by now. ---- ## How to start using StrapDown.js ? **Just follow this short tutorial** : ### 1) [Default template to use](example0.html) *(you can click this to see it)* Create an empty file, save it to *mytext.html* (yes, '*.html*' as HTML, but you will write in Markdown in no time), and then copy and paste the following 5 lines : ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>A StrapDown.js template</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> ### Write here in Markdown rather than in HTML > This document is empty right now. Fill it out with awesome content ! </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example0"></script></body></html> ``` ### 2) [A first example](example1.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we show how to use some basic markup. ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta charset="utf-8"/><title>« My first test with StrapDown.js »</title></head><body><textarea theme="cyborg"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example1"></script></body></html> ``` ### 3) [A second example](example2.html) *(you can click this to see it)* There we embed two images, and describe a little more how cool is StrapDown.js ! We also use another theme (*united*). ```markdown <!DOCTYPE html><html><head><title>Awesome second example with StrapDown.js</title></head><body><textarea theme="united"> # This is a Markdown document You can now write your web page in Markdown. You opened a `textarea` tag, but a `xmp` tag works as well. And, yes, it is **as simple** as **one** HTML line at the beginning and **one** HTML line at the end of this document. ## What to say more Feel free to use it, redistribute it etc, *under the condition of the GPLv3 License*. ## Only for textual, simple documents StrapDown.js is *awesome* to quickly build nice-looking web pages, but it might not be efficient for anything more complicated, as it is really not designed for it. ## Add a picture ? With Markdown syntax, it's easy : ![GA|Analytics](https://ga-beacon.appspot.com/UA-38514290-14/example2.html "Thanks to ga-beacon"). ### An other one ? Alright, here comes the mighty Cthulhu ![Logo Squirt](../squirt/images/logo.png "Logo Cthulhu") ### A last one, because it's dangerous to go alone : ![Logo Take this from dotcore](../squirt/images/takethis.jpg "Logo «Take this» from dotcore") ## Add anything you want, it *might* work For instance, you can add use Google Analytics to monitor the page's activity, with including a piece of Javascript code, before *or* after closing the *textarea* tag. <script type="text/javascript"> (function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i['GoogleAnalyticsObject']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,'script','//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js','ga'); ga('create','UA-38514290-14','lbesson.bitbucket.io'); ga('send','pageview'); </script> <noscript> The previous paragraph was supposed to include Google Analytics web monitoring tool, but hey, you are browsing without JavaScript enabled, what can I do for it ? <br/> Maybe you are using a text-only browser (w3m, links, elinks ? I love elinks !), or a 19th-century IE, or maybe you disabled JavaScript globally (which is kinda stupid) or site-by-site (with NoScript, as I do, which is brilliant, and safer). </noscript> ## That's it This was a brief overview, to show the basic use of [StrapDown.js](index.html). </textarea><script type="text/javascript" src="//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/strapdown.min.js?src=example2"></script></body></html> ``` ### 4) Last examples, with MathJax enabled StrapDown.js comes with an *easy* and *excellent* support of the incredible [MathJax](http://www.mathjax.org/), as shown in these three examples: [example n°3](example3.html) and [example n°4](example4.html), and [the last one](example5.html) which shows a new and quicker way to include MathJax (from StrapDown *v0.5*). ---- # Themes Only two themes from [strapdownjs.com](http://strapdownjs.com "Original project's website") are pretty enough to be included : - cyborg, as used by *the page* you are reading ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/cyborg) for a complete demo), - and united (as used [here](example2.html)!), inspired from [ubuntu](https://www.ubuntu.com/) ([click here](http://bootswatch.com/united) for a demo). Maybe I will add some more, maybe ! ---- # Printing to a nice looking PDF? Rather than use the built-in *"Print to a PDF"* function of your browser, you should consider using [StrapDown2PDF](strapdown2pdf.html). It has an excellent support for Markdown markup. **Warning:** but the LaTeX / MathJax support is still limited. ---- # Cloning? As of now, StrapDown.js does **not** have it own git repository. And I don't want to, because it is cleaner to let it live on //lbesson.bitbucket.io/md. But, there, you can download this not up-to-date version of the *md* subdir of my [lbesson.bitbucket.io](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/src/master/md/) repository : [StrapDown.js.zip](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip) (and [its PGP signature](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson/lbesson.bitbucket.org/downloads/StrapDown.js.zip.asc)). ---- # Future features or ideas - Maybe host it on a *CDN*, - More themes, - Hack something to force using local cached version of the script and stylesheets rather than download them every time ? - Any idea is most surely welcome! ---- # About ### Forged by [Lilian Besson](https://bitbucket.org/lbesson) ### Languages - Markdown; - JavaScript; - CSS 3. ### License This project is released under the **GPLv3 license**, for more details, take a look at the [LICENSE](http://perso.crans.org/besson/LICENSE.html) file in the source. *Basically, that allow you to use all or part of the project for you own business.* ----- # End > This is a 3000 lines long document, and [StrapDown.js](//lbesson.bitbucket.io/md/) is supporting it pretty well right ?