Description of publications in folder publis/

About this page

This page describes all the tiny (and less tiny) technical projects published in the folder publis/.

This folder contains a lot of small productions (softwares, scripts, configuration etc); and some of my more serious projects.


Conditions of distribution

Every file or projects listed here is freely and publicly distributed, under the conditions of the GPLv3 license!

Main projects

Here is a list of the main projects published in the folder publis/, ordered by importance.


ansicolortags is a small Python module, supporting both version 2 (2.7+) and 3 (3.4+), designed to easily and efficiently use ANSI colors in a terminal application from Python, on UNIX or Linux (or on Windows via Cygwin, or on Mac OS X).
  • It is available from Pypi (v0.4), and can be install with a simple command: pip install ansicolortags !

  • The complete documentation for the module is here:

  • This new package is based on my old ANSIColors-balises, which was too old and only supported Python 2. ANSIColors-balises has been downloaded about 5000 times during march 2013 and February 2016. (Some partial statistics, for May 2013 are here and others here, or also on

  • A small example of its use (the output is not displayed with colors here because Sphinx does not support including colors in the output of such code samples):

    >>> # The good way (and safe) to use ansicolortags:
    >>> try:
    ...     from ansicolortags import printc
    >>> except ImportError:
    ...     def printc(a): print(a)  # Placeholder
    >>> printc("<red>This is red!<white> That's white.<blue> And that is blue.<reset> (not working here)")
    This is red! That's white. And that is blue. (not working here)
  • But in a terminal, this code will give: ":red:`This is red!` :white:`That's white.` :blue:`And that is blue.` (not working here)".

State:Up-to-date (July 2016), and works very well.


An awesome piece of Javascript to quickly publish nice documents, written in Markdown. Cf.

State:Up-to-date (July 2016), works very well.


Nautilus-Terminal, a plugin for Gnome Nautilus to embed a terminal in your file explorer, open-source on Bitbucket.

State:Up-to-date (February 2016), it works.


Some files and useful tiny programs to use \(\LaTeX{}\).

In particular, autotex is the tiny Bash script I use on a regular basis to write \(\LaTeX{}\) documents without having to manually write the header part (with \usepackage and other useless parts). I wrote a small script and a template template_minimalist.tex, to make autonomous a document which was using autotex.

State:Works well (March 2016).


Small snippets of code, from Bitbucket snippets.

State:Active (July 2016), small snippets of code.

Small projects on my GitHub


Ask me anything in English ! On GitHub (ama) / On Bitbucket (ama).

State:Up-to-date (July 2016), useless.

Ask me anything in French! Demandez-moi n'importe quoi ! On GitHub ( / On Bitbucket (

State:Up-to-date (July 2016), useless.


A open-source, clean and pretty theme for the FancyIndex module for the nginx web-server.

State:Up-to-date (June 2016), works well.

A Python v2 or v3 script to produce a nice-looking Cloud of Words from one or more text files, open-source on GitHub.

State:Up-to-date (March 2016), works well.

The website, open-source on GitHub.

State:Active (July 2016).


Common repository for Jupyter notebooks, open-source on GitHub. Readables on

State:Active (July 2016), still in development.


Common repository for remark.js slide-shows, open-source on GitHub. Readables on

State:Active (July 2016), still in development.

Press (Autumn 2014)

Scripts and binary programs

Please read the page bin.html for more description of some of the scripts and binary programs that are available in this folder publis/bin/.

The associated git repository is very active (improvements and new script on a weekly basis), and it is here on

Configuration files

For Sublime Text 3

This folder publis/ST3/ contains my configuration file, snippets and building scripts for Sublime Text 3. And the page sublimetext.en.html contains a lot more information !

State:Actively maintained (July 2016).


I translated in French a responsive theme for Munin 2.x, based on Twitter Bootstrap, from the original munstrap. Open-sourced on Bitbucket :

State:Up-to-date.* (September 2014)


My configuration for GNU Conky.

State:Not actively maintained, but it works. (January 2014)


Some configuration files for my use of the XPadder tool on Windows (map a gamepad to keyboard buttons).

State:Old (2014), but should work well.


Configuration files for the awesome Byobu terminal multiplexer.

State:Up-to-date (February 2016), works well.


Some configuration files for my daily use of the Python programming language.

State:Up-to-date (June 2016), basic but work well.


Some user scripts and user styles for my daily use of the Mozilla Firefox web browser.

State:Tiny (2015).


My configuration for Mutt, the best command-line email software.

State:Not actively maintained, but it works. (January 2014)


(Old) Configuration files for the Irssi command line IRC client.

State:Old (2014), but should work well.


Some old scripts for Gnome Nautilus.

State:Not at all maintained. (Nov 2011 to July 2013)


Some improvements on the GTK-SourceView configuration (C++ library for the source code syntactic coloring, used by gedit and gobby).

State:Not at all maintained. (Nov 2011 to July 2013)


Some old scripts for Gnome Gedit, with the plug-in Exterior tools.

State:Not at all maintained. (Summer 2012)

Older projects

These projects are older, but some can still be interesting:


Tool to visualize a selfspy database, open-source on GitHub.

State:Old (2016), pretty limited.


A small game of Tetravex, written in OCaml for a programming course in my Bachelor (3rd year, Avril 2012). I had a grade of 17/20. Cleaned-up in March 2014, and open-source on my bitbucket account:

State:Works well but not maintained.


A tiny library for OCaml, to use the GNU Zenity tool in a simple, efficient and well-typed manner (but the code is dirty). Open-sourced on my bitbucket account:

It works "like this" : no need for any installation, you just have to include the source file and zenity.mli in your OCaml project. For instance, in a OCaml console or in a program:

open Zenity;;
let my_color = color_selection ~title:"Choose a color please" () ;;
(* Will ask the user to select a color, and return it as a string,
it does the same as calling 'zenity --color-selection --title="Choose a color please"', in a terminal. *)
State:Not actively maintained (April 2014), but it works with the latest versions of OCaml (4.03.0) and Zenity.


A small project, for the Introduction to Machine Learning in my Bachelor (3rd year) at ENS Cachan in May 2013. Nothing especially interesting, except that I used Python 2.7 to handle all the different aspects of this learning project (scripts, programs, documentation, report, slides etc). I had a grade of 15/20.

State:Old! (May 2013)


A small Bomberman game, with multi-player support on a local network (multi machines), written in Python 2.7, between Nov. 2012 and Feb. 2013 for the networking project in my Master 1 (course 1-21 MPRI), for which I received 16.9/20 (second best grade). Open-sourced:

State:No longer maintained ! (March 2013)


Mathematical and numerical solution to a real-world Partial Dynamic Equation. Implementation in several languages, in pure Python 2 (PDE_02_2015), and in MATLAB/Octave (PDE_09_2014, and also in pure OCaml with GnuPlot for the display).

State:Research (2014, 2015), but it worked well.


A clean and white theme for Sphinx doc, open-source on GitHub.

State:Up-to-date (2016), works well.


A tiny OCaml library, designed to draw graphical plots in a console. This project was implementing a very dirty operators overloading (something that OCaml, a fully statically type language, should NOT allow), and commands for plotting « like Maple » (e.g., plot("cos((x+5)/2.16)",0--10)), and other cool stuff. I didn't find the time to keep it up-to-date.

State:Not maintained (Feb 2012). Might work. Probably not.


Experiments to use colors in a OCaml v3.12 command line program.

State:Very old (2012).


Old (useless) documents.


A French one-page article on for the ENS Cachan student newspaper, in January 2014 (


Slides for a technical workshop on documentation tools, given in March 2013 for the CRANS.